SWATter Responsible For Raid That Left Police Chief Shot Is Arrested in Oklahoma

Dallas Horton did what most American men would do when he heard someone break into his home: he grabbed a firearm and defended his family against the armed home invader he saw enter the room. Three on-target shots knocked down the home invader… who happened to be Sentinel, Oklahoma Police Chief Louis Ross, one of three law enforcement officers conducting a raid as the result of a bomb scare that seemed to emanate from Horton’s home.


Fortunately, Chief Ross was wearing a bullet-resistant vest, Horton was a good shot, and the Washita County Sheriff’s deputies kept the situation from spinning out of control. Horton, who did not hear the law enforcement officers identify themselves until after Ross was injured, surrendered peacefully.

After an investigation, Horton was not charged with any crimes, and the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation confirmed that the bomb threat was not issued from any of the phones belong to the Horton family.

Dallas Horton had been the victim of a SWATting attack.

It now looks like the OSBI has captured the SWATter.

On Jan. 20, officers questioned James Holly about his alleged involvement in the bomb threat.

“Holly confessed that he used Horton’s name and called in the bomb threats to 911 because he was angry with Horton,” the affidavit claims. “Holly told OSBI agents that he used two separate non functioning phones so that the phones could not be traced back to him.”

SWATter James Holly confessed to the bomb threat that nearly cost Sentinel Police Chief Louis Ross his life.

So far, Holly has only been charged with the bomb threat, and remains in jail under $100,000 bail.

In my opinion, Holly should face counts of attempted murder for every Horton family member that was in the home, and three more for Chief Ross and the two Washita County Sheriff’s deputies that responded to the Horton home.

Holly was mad at Horton (obviously), but the exact motive for the SWATting is unknown at this time.

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