Retired CO Pursues, Shoots Man on NY Sub Subway, No Charges Yet Filed

I’m forced to think of the line from Animal Farm, that “some animals are more equal than others.”

A retired corrections officer named Will Groomes fought with and them pursued an apparently drunk man who had punched him and spat at him in a subway car in Brooklyn.


Once they arrived at the station the younger man, Gilbert Drogheo, attempted to flee. Groomes pulled his weapon and chambered a round, and then blatantly broke the law.

The video plainly shows that the retired corrections officer pursued Drogheo with a drawn weapon, and shoved him. There is then a scuffle, and Drogheo is shot. He later died at the hospital.

Groomes is attempting to claim that the young men tried to rob him, but it is incredibly clear from the video that the younger, smaller man is simply attempting to get away from the armed Groomes, and Groomes was the aggressor who assaulted Drogheo on camera before shooting him.

Groomes has no power to pursue nor arrest Drogheo; his limited ability to affect an arrest applied only when he was an active duty corrections officer, and only inside prisons and jails.

This should have resulted in an immediate arrest of Groomes, and it is a travesty of justice that he wasn’t immediately arrested for criminal homicide.


Update: You’ve got to be kidding me.

Police have arrested one of the two men accused of assaulting a retired city correction officer on a subway train Tuesday night, an assault that later led to a deadly shooting.

Joscelyn Evering, 28, is charged with second-degree assault, third-degree assault and menacing.

So the surviving drunk fighting guy gets arrested, but the retired CO who pulled out a weapon, chambered a round, chased down and then assaulted the other fleeing drunk guy before shooting him to death still walks free.

That’s just nuts, even by New York City standards.

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