ABUSING THE DEAD: Amy Schumer's Gun Control Push Is Incredibly Dishonest

Charles and Amy Schumer are abusing the deaths of two women in order to push a political agenda.
Charles and Amy Schumer are abusing the deaths of two women in order to push a political agenda.
Amy Schumer is abusing the deaths of two women in order to push her cousin’s long-standing political agenda.

Actress Amy Schumer and her senator cousin are teaming up in order to push for gun laws that target only law-abiding citizens.


Comedian Amy Schumer showed her somber side Sunday when she appeared with Sen. Chuck Schumer to call for stricter gun control laws.

The “Trainwreck” actress said the issue had become personal for her since a madman went into a Louisiana theater in July and opened fire during her movie.

“I don’t know why he picked my movie but … it’s something that I live with every day and I vowed to never forget the two lives that were tragically lost: Jillian Johnson, who was 33, and Mayci Breaux, who was just 21-years-old. These women are forever in my heart,” Schumer said.

Her cousin, Sen. Charles Schumer, said he’s launching a new push to get Congress to vote on “common-sense” gun legislation in early 2016.

Schumer & Schumer are claiming that want to “close the gun show loophole” and target “online” sales. Neither long-standing desire of the gun control-obsessed senator had anything at all to do with the incident Amy Schumer claims as her inspiration.

The man who attempted a mass shooting during the screening of Schumer’s film was able to arm himself because the state of Georgia did not report the man’s history of mental illness to federal databases used by the NICS Operations Center to determine whether or not someone is a “prohibited person.” Because the state failed to upload mental health disqualifications, this man was able to pass a federal background check and buy his gun.

Roughly the same thing happened to arm the white supremacist who murdered nine at Emanuel AME Zion Church in Charleston, SC. The self-admitted drug abuser did not have his disqualifying admission during a drug arrest uploaded to NICS, and he was therefore able to buy a gun.


If Amy Schumer really gave a damn about preventing the sort of incident that she claims to care about, her focus would be narrowly tailored on a relatively non-controversial push for more funding to ensure that states were able to upload disqualifying information to NICS in a timely manner.

But Amy Schumer isn’t focused on pushing for more funding for the states to upload records in a timely manner to NICS to stop criminals and the mentally ill from buying guns.

Schumer is instead attacking an imaginary “gun show loophole” and fake “online” sales, both old gun control schemes roundly discussed by my compatriot Taylor Millard at Hot Air.

Let’s be very blunt: Amy Schumer is abusing the deaths of Jillian Johnson and Mayci Breaux to push for long-ago-debunked gun control schemes that do not keep anyone safe, and only infringe upon law-abiding citizens.

Amy Schumer is grandstanding on the caskets of innocent victims for her cousin’s political benefit.

She should be ashamed.

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