Program Suggests Active Defense Against Would-Be Mass Shooters


It looks like some academic administrators and academic security consultants are finally starting to listen to what military and law enforcement counter-terrorism experts have been telling them for years.


One company is rethinking student safety and survival if a gunman walks onto campus.

It’s called ALICE and stand for Alert, Lockdown, Inform, Counter and Evacuate.

ALICE instructors say a lockdown and stay put scenario is flawed and can be deadly.

Lieutenant Joe Hendry travels the country teaching ALICE’s tactical response techniques in the event of a mass shooting.

“Literally, we’ve trained 90 percent of people in school facilities to respond by not moving,” Lt. Hendry said. “Being quiet and sitting on the floor, that’s a plan for the bad guy.”

Hendry teaches his students to respond by barricading doors, then encountering with everything they’ve got.

Well, not everything, of course.

Neither Hendry nor the academics he serves wants to talk about the “elephant in the room,” which is armed self-defense with a firearm by faculty, staff, or qualified students. This is hardly surprising, since many of them are still having a hard time accepting the concept of school resource officers in public schools and armed campus police even now.


But it is progress.

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