S.C. Woman Outdraws, Outshoots, And Kills CraigsList Robber

As we’ve stated time and time again, the fastest growing segments of gun ownership are young, urban and female, and many of those ladies are very, very good with their guns.


Authorities say a man trying to rob a couple who thought they were going to buy a car off Craigslist has been shot and killed.

Aiken County deputies said in a news release that officers are looking for the second robber after he ran away following the shooting Wednesday afternoon.

Investigators say the would-be robbers pulled out a gun and demanded money when they met the couple at an Aiken gas station where they planned to buy a car listed on the Internet site.

Deputies say while the gun was pointed at the man, his girlfriend pulled her own weapon and shot at the robbers.

Coroner Tim Carlton says 23-year-old Frank Frazier Jr. died at the scene of the shooting.

The couple was not hurt. Deputies continue to investigate.

Firearms are indeed the great equalizer.  You do not need to be young or exceptionally strong, you simple need to develop firearms skills with a good instructor and have the proper mindset to use it in the event of a life-threatening circumstance.


I’m going to bet that Mr. Frazier Jr. never saw the young lady who took his life as a threat as he attempted to rob the couple. It was a mistake that cost him his life.

We hope that the woman who acquitted herself so well in this circumstance is able to cope successfully with the fact that she was put in a position of having to take a human life, and quickly moves on with the rest of her life with minimal disruption.

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