These Boys Escaped Tamir Rice's Fate, And Now A Judge Is Making Them Learn From His Mistakes

You know the broad strokes of the story all too well.

Stupid kids in a Cleveland suburb rip the orange tips off of their bb pistols to make them look more realistic, and then goes to the park to play with friends. The realistic gun is seen by a concerned citizen, who then calls the cops.


The boys are at the park picnic shelter.

The local police come flying up on the scene.

An officer jumps out the car, and yells at the boys to immediately put their hands up…

… and thankfully, they do so immediately.

These 12 and 15 year old brothers are arrested without incident and without bloodshed, and were charged with inducing panic.

The judge handling their case wants them to grasp just how perilous their behavior was, and is handing down an interesting preliminary sentence.

A judge ordered two boys arrested with BB guns in a Parma park to write essays about Tamir Rice and to perform community service.

Both boys, who were 12 and 15 at the time of the incident, admitted to a single misdemeanor charge of disorderly conduct, and Assistant Prosecuting Attorney Linda Gaines Herman objected to their lawyers’ requests to dismiss the charges during an arraignment Friday in Cuyahoga County Juvenile Court.

The boys are due back in court Aug. 19, when Magistrate Je’Nine Nickerson will rule whether to dismiss the charges or find the boys delinquent or not delinquent.

“We had a young boy playing with a gun and the results were disastrous for that family and for the community as a whole,” Herman said to the court, referring to Tamir’s death. “We have an obligation to have a dialogue about something as simple as this and how it can go from simple to tragic in a very short period of time.”

Parma police on Feb. 21 responded to reports of two kids, possibly teens, with guns in a park pavilion on Roycroft Drive. Surveillance video captured the boys, who are brothers, surrendering to police without incident.


Contrary to the fictionalized accounts manufactured by the mainstream media, Tamir Rice wasn’t “shot for being black.”

Tamir Rice was shot because when police arrived on the scene, he attempted to draw the realistic gun thrust in the front of his pants, which forced the officer to respond to his training and fire on the perceived deadly force threat.

Several other key factors—including more accurate information from dispatchers to the responding officer—helped ensure a less stressful outcome, but it was ultimately the reflexive actions of the boy to immediately comply with police commands that likely saved their lives.

Hopefully they won’t be the only ones to learn from a life-or-death situation just narrowly avoided.

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