Officers Who Shot Korryn Gaines As She Held Her Son Hostage Won't Face Charges

Shocking pretty much no one with a functioning cerebral cortex, prosecutors with not pursue charges against SWAT officers who shot and killed shotgun-toting sovereign citizen Korryn Gaines as she held her her child hostage in a multi-hour standoff with police in August.


No criminal charges will be filed against the officers involved in the shooting that killed Korryn Gaines and injured her 5-year-old son during a standoff with police in Randallstown, Baltimore County State’s Attorney Scott Shellenberger said Wednesday.

Shellenberger met with Gaines’ family and attorneys in the case Wednesday. Attorneys involved with case shared the news Tuesday, but Shellenberger’s office refused to make public comment until Wednesday.

“The Baltimore County State’s Attorney’s Office has just completed its review of the police investigation into the August 1, 2016 shooting of Korryn Gaines in Randallstown. This officer has determined that the officer was justified in shooting Ms. Gaines and the state will take no further action in this case. Criminal charges are not warranted.”

Gaines has apparently planned her ambush of Baltimore County officers a full week prior to the encounter.

Gaines planned to shoot it out with police

Gaines knew that there would be warrants issued both for her failure to appear on multiple charges and for the domestic violence charge against Courtney, and she seemed to have made up her mind on how to respond more than a week ago with a bizarre Instagram post of her loading a shotgun, thanking her father for teaching her “how to protect herself,” and “who to protect herself from.”

Gaines make it obvious that she’s referring to police when she notes that she purchased her pistol-grip, pump-action 12-gauge shotgun (“Big Girl”) before “they threw me charge” (arrested her) and she became a prohibited person.  Gaines further noted that she bought her shotgun as protection against other another black person (“Thought i was gon have to take out a nigga”), but it’s impossible to tell if she meant a specific individual (perhaps her violent life-in boyfriend Courtney?) or the generalized threat of black-on-black crime.

She concludes by alluding to “a bigger problem” (the police she knows will be coming to serve warrants) and then suggests she intends to fight them (“Fuck it Let’s dance, i got some rhythm”).

Here’s the Instagram post, duplicated here in case Instagram or someone else now responsible for Gaines account decides to remove it.

korryn gaines shotgun

Gotta thank my dad for teaching me how to protect myself (cells) …nd i gotta thank myself (cells) for teaching me who i need protection from. Hope they sending in clones?im waiting tho. They threw me a charge too late, got my “Big Girl” September of last year. Legit w/papers. Thought i was gon have to take out a nigga nd realized i had a bigger problem. Fuck it Let’s dance, i got some rhythm.?

When warrant officers arrived and finally made entry after obtaining an apartment key from the landlord, they encountered Gaines holding her five-year-old son and pointing a shotgun at them.


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