Officer Kills Suspect Near Syracuse University. Students Have a Fit.

A police officer pulled a man over in a routine traffic stop near Syracuse University last night, only to have the man emerge from the car and open fire on the officer.


The man then learned one of the fatal truisms of gunfighting: fast is fine, but accuracy is final.

A Syracuse police officer shot and killed a driver after the man fired at the officer during a traffic stop, Syracuse police said Monday.

The officer pulled over a car at 10:52 p.m. Sunday in the 600 block of Walnut Avenue near Syracuse University, said Sgt. Richard Helterline, a spokesman for the Syracuse Police. The driver got out of the car and shot at the officer, police said.

The officer shot at the driver, hitting him at least once, police said. The driver fell to the ground and later died, police said.

“During the traffic stop, the male driver exited the vehicle and fired several shots at the officer,” Helterline said in the release. “The officer discharged his duty weapon in response to the driver’s action, striking the male with at least one round.”

After the driver was shot, the officer requested an ambulance and additional police officers at the scene. Officers began first-aid treatment until an ambulance arrived, Helterline said.

Syracuse students wasted no time having hissy fits about the University not sending out a campus-wide alert after the shooting.


It seems apparent that these students aren’t quite aware of the purpose of campus alert systems now used by many colleges. The purpose of such systems is to alert students, faculty, and staff to existing or emerging threats. This incident was over in seconds with the suspect rendered inert with accurate return fire from the Syracuse Police officer.

There was no threat to student safety after the officer shot the suspect and put him down. The incident did not occur on campus, during school hours, or on a school day.

In other words: relax, kids.


Officers are still on-scene this morning processing evidence. The name of the suspect and the officer have not been released at this time.

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