McAuliffe Vetoes Bill Allowing Domestic Violence Victims To Arm Themselves

Virginia’s radically anti-gun Democrat governor, Clinton crony Terry McAuliffe, wants to ensure that domestic abusers don’t face armed victims.

Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe (D.) vetoed a bill on Friday that aimed to allow victims of domestic violence to carry concealed firearms without obtaining a permit.

House Bill 1852 would allow anyone in Virginia who has a protective order and is over 21 to carry a concealed firearm without a permit for up to 45 days after the order is issued. It would then give anyone with an active order an additional 45 days to carry concealed should they apply for a permanent concealed-handgun permit, which can take up to 45 days to process. The person with the protective order would be required to show police the order or permit application and photo ID if stopped.

Governor McAuliffe noted in a statement that the bill bypasses the training and background check requirements associated with obtaining a Virginia concealed handgun permit and said it would make domestic violence situations worse, not better. “The bill perpetuates the dangerous fiction that the victims of domestic violence will be safer by arming themselves,” he said. “It would inject firearms into a volatile domestic violence situation, making that situation less safe, not more.”


Governor McAuliffe doesn’t apparently like the idea of domestic violence victims being able to defend themselves against violent predators. Laws similar to House Bill 1852 are on the books in many states, and have not made the situation “less safe” as the pro-felon governor has opined.

Restraining orders are nothing more than a piece of paper, and nothing is going to stop a stalker or abuser from carrying out an attack on his victim more effectively than a firearm.

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