World's Lamest Gun Control Group To "Disrupt" NRA Convention


President Trump’s decision to be the first president in three decades to speak at the annual National Rifle Association convention is drawing heat from two anti-gun groups that now plan to travel to Atlanta to disrupt the massive event.

Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America and Everytown for Gun Safety — funded by former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg — on Monday decried Trump’s plans and warned:

“Our volunteers will be in Atlanta during the NRA’s annual meeting, just as we have been showing up at town halls and in statehouses across the country to stand up for the safety of our families and communities. We will not be silenced.”

The 146th Annual NRA convention will be held April 27-30. It is a combined trade show and public affairs convention where supporters of the Second Amendment typically speak. Last year, for example, several GOP presidential candidates including Trump spoke.


The promises of Bloomberg’s bought-and-paid-for anti-gun vanity project is more than a little amusing. The tiny coffee klatchs Moms Demand/Everytown have been able to pull together “in opposition” to the NRA Annual meetings have been dismal failures, each and every one.


This was the Moms Demand Action rally in 2014 in Indianapolis. Including journalists and Shannon Watts’ armed personal security detail, they drew precisely 156 people (myself included).

The 2015 attempt to counter-protest the NRA Annual Meeting  in Nashville was even more lame, numbering just 100-150 people (and I was being very generous with my crowd estimate). Many of the area restaurants had longer wait lists.

Last year in Louisville, Moms Demand/Everytown couldn’t be found… and I looked. They managed just three dozen pathetic souls that even the local news media couldn’t fluff up into a respectable counter-protest.

This year, Moms Demand/Everytown claims that they’re going to hold their counter-protest on Saturday, seven-tenths of a mile away from the NRA Annual Meetings.

I have to wonder if anyone outside the local media they intend to invite will even notice if they bus in another anemic crowd of speakers and staffers in an approximation of “protest.”



It’s not that anyone wants to “silence” you, Shannon Watts.

It’s just that the nation has heard you busted in one lie after another for years now, and no one cares what you have to say.

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