Texas Sheriff Wants His County To Be A 2nd Amendment Sanctuary

The 2nd Amendment Sanctuary phenomenon continues to gain support around the country. When we spoke to Effingham County, Illinois commissioner David Campbell not long ago, he told Bearing Arms that more than 500 counties and municipalities around the nation have already adopted resolutions declaring a sanctuary for the right to keep and bear arms inside their borders. Now, Hood County, Texas Sheriff Roger Deeds hopes his home will join in the growing movement.


“People are scared. They don’t want to lose their rights,” Sheriff Deeds said. “They have the right to protect themselves and we’re going to make sure that they keep that right to keep and bear arms and protect themselves.”

Sheriff Deeds says his proposal has strong support from judges and county commissioners. If the proposal goes through it will have to be passed by the Commissioner’s Court of Hood County.

Deeds expects the proposal to go to a vote in early October.

“This is going to end up being an ordinance or a resolution,” he said. “I’ll meet with the county attorney and we’ll see how it needs to exactly read.

“We’re doing this to the legal letter of the law, and that’s why we’re going to meet with the county attorney and make sure we get it spelled out right.”

Some city or county attorneys have convinced a few cities that adopting a formal ordinance would lead to legal troubles, and have urged the adoption of non-binding resolutions instead. Frankly, I’d take a look at the language that cities and counties are using to avoid working or cooperating with ICE on immigration matters, and simply change the wording so it applies to federal law enforcement agencies seeking to enforce any new gun control legislation.


Hudspeth and Presidio counties in Texas have already adopted similar resolutions in support of the 2nd Amendent, and I suspect that as the anti-gun rhetoric continues from Democrat presidential candidates, we’ll see similar resolutions pop up across the Lone Star State. 2020 isn’t just a presidential election year, but also an election year for sheriffs in the state. In fact, Sheriff Deeds has a primary challenger who’s also campaigning in favor of the right to keep and bear arms.

David Streiff, of Granbury, a Greyhound security executive, has announced he will challenge Deeds in the March 3 party primary.

Strieff wrote Aug. 2 on Facebook that carrying a gun should not require “the government granting you a permission slip.”

“We recognize the Constitution as our permit to carry. … Leaving the government out of the permission process makes us a safer society,” he wrote.

Bud Kennedy, a Fort Worth Star-Telegram columnist who penned the article linked above, says “reasonable Texans” are going to oppose these 2nd Amendment sanctuaries in favor of gun control laws. I think he and I have very different definitions of “reasonable”. In fact, I believe as more and more clearly unconstitutional plans for your guns are announced by anti-gun candidates, the 2nd Amendment Sanctuary movement will be one reasonable response from gun owners and supporters of the Constitution, whether they live in red Texas, blue Rhode Island, and every state in between.





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