Debunking The Myths Of Australia's Gun 'Buyback'

President Donald Trump and New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern discussed her country’s gun ban and compensated confiscation program at the United Nations on Monday, with Ardern bringing up Australia’s ban and “buyback” as well. Meanwhile, the president calls Beto’s idea for a similar ban and confiscation “nonsense”. We dive deep into the issue on today’s Bearing Arms’ Cam & Co., speaking with Matt Palumbo, author of the new book “Debunk This!” about Australia’s gun ban and the myths that continue to surround the event.


Also on the show today, a sex offender in Massachusetts who’s been convicted ten times without ever facing serious consequences, a father and daughter who teamed up to take on a home intruder, and a Missouri police officer who was in the right place, and the right time, and had the skills to help a young man on his way to the big dance.

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