Second Amendment Rally Set For U.S. Capitol In November

There are lots of ways to be a 2nd Amendment activist, but some are more productive than others. I think there’s a great opportunity coming up on November 2nd with the 2nd Amendment Rally scheduled to take place on the lawn of the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C. that will feature some of the country’s most engaged and successful grassroots activists working to strengthen, secure, and in some cases re-establish the right to keep and bear arms and a culture of lawful gun ownership.


Rob Pincus joins me on Bearing Arms’ Cam & Co. today to talk about the upcoming rally, as well as unveiling a few of the speakers who’ll be in attendance. I’ll be among those on stage for the rally, because even though D.C. is not one of my favorite places, my individual rights are some of my favorite things. So, I’ll be making the drive from Farmville, Virginia to our nation’s capitol to stand up for my rights and to hear from great activists like Dianna Muller of the DC Project, Chris Cheng, Maj Toure of Black Guns Matter, and many more.

It should be a great afternoon, and I’m planning on sticking around through the evening as well, so if you’re going to be attending and are interested in a post-rally meetup, let me know on Twitter or email me at [email protected]. Some of the best parts of events like this are the conversations that happen before and after the speakers take to the stage, and I’m really looking forward to connecting with gun owners from across the country. Check out the entire interview with Rob, and if you can, make plans to be in D.C. on November 2nd.


Also on today’s show we have an armed citizen in Fort Worth who was able to catch a thief and hold him for police, a truly outrageous story from Louisiana that will be getting its own post here on the site later today, and an Arizona police officer who found a little girl who’d been missing for months. Oh, I also try my best to fulfill a listener request, but you’ll have to let me know how I did.

You can always get the show as a podcast through Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, and’s podcast page, as well as subscribing to Townhall Media on YouTube. Thanks for watching, listening, and spreading the word!


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