Elizabeth Warren's Anti-Gun Agenda Explained

With Elizabeth Warren now leading in more polling for president, Jim Geraghty of National Review joins me to talk about her plans for gun owners, including jacking up taxes on guns and ammunition by 30% and 50%, respectively. Warren makes no secret that one of the intentions of the tax hike is to reduce the amount of guns and ammo sold, which is proof that she’s eager to use the power of the State to inhibit the exercise of a constitutionally protect right, instead of preserving and protecting it.


That’s not the only anti-gun item on Warren’s presidential agenda, however. She also wants federal gun licensing, firearms registration, gun rationing, and a lot of other ideas that attack legal gun ownership, while doing nothing to crack down on violent criminals. Her gun control proposals haven’t received much attention, but they’re just as awful as Eric Swalwell’s or Robert Francis “Beto” O’Rourke’s, even if she’s not (yet) calling for outright confiscation of firearms.

Jim and I also get into Michael Bloomberg’s presidential aspirations, as evidenced by his abrupt about-face on “stop and frisk” policies over the weekend after years of full-throated support for the controversial measure. Is there a lane for Bloomberg in the Democrats’ primary? Can he simply build a lane with his billions of dollars even if one doesn’t exist?

Also on today’s program we highlight a local TV station’s great reporting on the young criminals in Nashville who are supposed to be under supervision but are committing crimes with impunity and little reaction from the Department of Children’s Services, an armed citizen at a Florida WaWa, and a West Virginia police officer who came to the aid of a young mother in need (if you feel like supporting her after hearing her story, you can find a link to her shop here).


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Bearing Arms Staff 12:15 PM | January 30, 2025