
VIP Gold Chat- Ed Morrissey, Sam J, and Cam Edwards - Replay Available

We have another great live chat coming up for our Townhall Media VIP Gold members on Wednesday of this week. I’ll be joined by Hot Air’s Ed Morrissey and the one and only Sam J from Twitchy as we take your questions and comments on any topic under the sun and in the news. Want to talk about the Supreme Court and whether or not it will soon hear a Second Amendment case, or the latest with President Trump’s battles with the WHO? Maybe you just want to ask Sam about the joys of owning an adorable Corgi? Whatever’s on your mind, you’ll get the chance on Wednesday to share it with us.

The live chat will take place here, and will be available as a replay for those who can’t tune in live and take part in the chat with us.

Also, if you’re not yet a VIP Gold member of Townhall Media, you can sign up right here, and you can use the code WUHAN to get 25% off of your membership.

Thanks for all your support for the work we do here at Townhall Media, and I’m looking forward to another fun discussion with some of my favorite people on Wednesday afternoon.

