Even In Anti-Gun States Like New Jersey, Interest In 2A At Record Highs

This is bad news for the Biden/Harris campaign and gun control activists across the country. It’s not just red states that are seeing a huge influx in the number of new gun owners these days. Even anti-gun strongholds like New Jersey are seeing unprecedented interest from residents who’ve decided it’s time to exercise their Second Amendment rights.


Check out this amazing statistic uncovered by NJ.com:

As of August 12, the New Jersey State Police has received nearly 130,000 firearm applications, topping the number of applications the agency received in 2018 and 2019 combined, according to State Police data. The number of applications this year has increased by more than 137% since last year— with more than 4 months left in 2020, according to the agency.

That’s incredible. More New Jersey residents have applied for their government-issued permission slip to exercise their Second Amendment rights in the past seven months than in the past two years combined.

What’s driving the increase? We haven’t seen a ton of violent protests in New Jersey itself, though there have been plenty in neighboring New York City and Philadelphia. Violent crime, on the other hand, is on the rise in some of the state’s biggest cities.

Statewide, a total of 104 people have been killed as of July 19, according to state police data released last week. Twenty-seven communities across New Jersey saw at least one person die of gun violence. Another 476 people were injured.

The numbers were driven by New Jersey’s population centers, with three cities already recording killings in the double digits. Newark, the state’s largest city, had 21 deaths. Trenton had 19 deaths. And Paterson had 13 deaths — including the bloodiest single event, a July 7 shooting in which four people were killed and three were injured.

Trenton Mayor Reed Gusciora said the pressures of the year appear to be contributing to the woes.

“We’re no different than New York, Chicago and Philadelphia,” Gusciora said, referencing three cities that have reported upticks in violence.


And as it turns out, New Jersey residents are no different than Texans, New Yorkers, Californians, and Americans from coast-to-coast who’ve embraced their right to keep and bear arms as cities under the control of Democratic politicians fail to stem the growing tide of violence.

What kind of impact might those 130,000 gun applicants have on the elections in New Jersey? Hillary Clinton won the state in 2016 by about 500,000 votes, so they might not be able to swing the presidential contest in favor of Donald Trump, but depending on where these gun owners live, they could have an outsize impact on several congressional races. The Cook Political report currently lists three House races in New Jersey as either toss-ups or “lean Democratic,” and if gun owners in the state vote like their rights depend on it, Democrats like Rep. Andy Kim and Rep. Tom Malinowski could lose their seats in favor of pro-2A candidates.

Of course, not every new gun owner is going to be a single-issue voter. Some of the 130,000 people who’ve applied for a gun permit in the state and are now twiddling their thumbs as their local sheriffs take months to approve or deny their application will undoubtably be voting for Joe Biden, even if they’re not thrilled by his anti-gun agenda. Others may choose not to vote at all, perhaps believing that their vote doesn’t matter in a Democrat-dominated state like New Jersey.


If that’s their mentality, they’re wrong. Their vote does matter, and even in New Jersey we have a real chance to send some anti-gun politicians packing come November if these Second Amendment supporters show up on Election Day to reject the gun control plans of Democrats.



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