
VIP Gold Live Chat- Cam Edwards & Ed Morrissey - Replay Available

If you are not a VIP Gold member, join below so you can watch today and participate in future chats! Use LOYALTY for 25% off!

We’ve got lots to discuss and plenty of time to take your questions on some of the hot topics of the day like:

  • Latest polling and trends in the 2020 election
  • Will a renewed Supreme Court take more #2A cases?
  • Riots in Philly, NYC, and DC
  • A Michigan judge striking down a ban on open carry at the polls
  • Tony Bobulinski’s interview with Tucker Carlson

With all the fast-moving developments, our VIP Gold members can get the latest as it happens from both Ed and myself, and if you can’t catch the chat live, it will be available as a replay for our VIP Gold members as soon as we wrap up.

We’ve had some really great questions the past few weeks, and I’m looking forward to hearing from you this afternoon!

