Man Defends Disabled Residents From Home Invader

A Greeley, Colorado man says he had no choice but to pull the trigger when a stranger invaded his home and attacked him on Sunday evening.

Bobby Destine, who provides housing for disabled individuals at his home, says the stranger first began knocking at his door demanding money. Destine refused to open the door to the man, and told a tenant to call 911, but before officers arrived the stranger was able to force his way inside the residence when another tenant arrived at the house.


The man charged Destine and knocked him to the ground. That’s when the homeowner drew his gun from its holster.

The intruder tackled Destine and tried wrestling him for the gun, according to Destine. Destine said he was concerned for his life, as well as the lives of his tenants, so he fired two shots at the intruder.

The intruder, who police have not yet publicly identified, was taken to North Colorado Medical Center, but his injuries did not appear life threatening, according to police. Destine was also hospitalized, but said he’s OK except for an elbow injury.

“I tried really hard to shoot last second when I had zero choice. After I was hurt,” Destine said. “Luckily no one else was hurt but me and the intruder. My training came in handy. I’m praying he recovers fine.”

Police said Sunday they weren’t yet sure what the alleged intruder was doing at the home. Police noted earlier this year that Colorado law allows people to use deadly force if they reasonably believe lesser force is inadequate and that they’re in danger of death or great bodily injury.

So far there’s no word on what might have motivated the intruder, but ultimately that doesn’t really matter. What’s important is that Destine was able to protect himself and his tenants thanks to the fact that he had his firearm with him.

While police continue to investigate, at this point it looks like a clear cut case of self-defense. Destine isn’t facing any charges in connection with the shooting, and police say that he’s been very cooperative with investigators.


Colorado may have trended blue over the past decade, but Greeley is still home to plenty of gun owners like Bobby Destine. In fact, Weld County, where Greeley is located, designated itself a Second Amendment Sanctuary in March of 2019 as a sign of opposition to the state’s new red flag firearms seizure law.

Gun owners don’t give up without a fight, whether it’s pushing back against unconstitutional gun control laws or squaring off against home invaders. I’m glad that Bobby Destine had the presence of mind and situational awareness to be prepared for the threat and could protect both himself and the tenants under his care when a stranger invaded the sanctuary of their home.

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