
VIP Gold Live Chat - Ed Morrissey & Cam Edwards – REPLAY AVAILABLE

Ultimately though, you’re the one driving the conversation, and Ed and I always enjoy the sharp questions and comments from our participants.

If you’re not a VIP Gold member of Townhall Media you can join here, and use the promo code LOYALTY for a 25% discount. 

Not only will you get exclusive content from Bearing Arms, but you’ll also get access to VIP content on all Townhall Media sites, including Hot Air, RedState, Twitchy, PJ Media, and of course itself. Your support helps make journalism like Bearing Arms’ Cam & Co. possible, and I greatly appreciate your support.

I hope you can join us this afternoon for what promises to be an informative and entertaining hour, but if you can’t make it live you can always catch the replay on demand.
