
VIP Gold Live Chat- Ed Morrissey & Cam Edwards – REPLAY AVAILABLE

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We’ve got our last live chat of the year coming up this afternoon at 1:30 Eastern, and I’m looking forward to joining my friend Ed Morrissey from Hot Air along with our VIP Gold members for a look back at 2020 and a peek ahead at what we can expect in 2021.

We’ll have plenty to discuss and lots of time to take your questions. The hot topics include, but are not limited to:

  • Where are we at with COVID-19 vaccinations?
  • The latest on the runoffs in Georgia
  • The latest on the Columbus police shooting
  • Election challenge status
  • SCOTUS and the 2A
  • Gun control bills introduced in state legislatures
  • ATFs pistol brace guidance

Ultimately, though, you’re in charge of the conversation and we’re happy to discuss whatever you bring to the table.

With this being New Year’s Eve Eve and all, this week’s live chat may be a little zanier than usual, so I’d encourage you to join us this afternoon for what promises to be a great conversation.
