
Replay Available - VIP Gold Live Chat - Ed Morrissey & Cam Edwards

If you’re already a VIP Gold member just check back here at 1:30 on Wednesday to take part in the live chat. If you’re not yet a VIP Gold member you can sign up right here and get exclusive commentary and analysis from Bearing Arms, Townhall, Hot Air, RedState, PJ Media, and more.

**Use the promo code “LOYALTY” and get 25% off your VIP Gold membership**

Last Wednesday as Hot Air’s Ed Morrissey and I were doing our weekly live chat for VIP Gold members, news broke about the storming of the U.S. Capitol. I’m hoping that this week’s chat doesn’t include any news like that, but I have a feeling that the violence at the Capitol and the reaction from the Left and the Right will be a hot topic from those tuning in and taking part.

As with every live chat, you set the course for our conversation, but here are a few of the issues that will likely come up:

  • Prospects for gun control in Congress
  • Joe Biden’s anticipated executive orders on firearms
  • Potential armed protests at state capitols
  • De-platforming by Big Tech
  • Combatting conspiracy theories
  • The future of the GOP (and why Ed has left the party)

These live chats are one of the highlights of my week, and it’s great to get to spend time with readers and viewers of Bearing Arms and Cam & Co. I hope you’ll be able to join us for what promises to be a very interesting conversation about where we are and where we’re headed.

