Campus Commies Trying To Ban Rittenhouse From Classes

Sean Krajacic/The Kenosha News via AP, Pool

Kyle Rittenhouse may have been found guilty of all charges in his recent trial in Kenosha, Wisconsin, but for some on the Left that’s simply all the more reason why he must be punished. If the criminal justice system allowed him to emerge from his murder trial a free man, then it falls on the court of public opinion to mete out retribution (or something like that).


So now we have the sad and pathetic spectacle of a small group of woke college students at Arizona State University who are demanding the school boot Rittenhouse from the online classes he’s currently taking.

Rittenhouse told the court he had enrolled in nursing classes at ASU. An investigation by an Arizona TV station, 12News, revealed he was taking a virtual class, not attending in person.

Nonetheless, members of groups called Students for Socialism ASU, Students for Justice in Palestine, the Multicultural Solidarity Coalition and Mecha de ASU want university officials to “withdraw” Rittenhouse from class and ban him from campus.

“Our campus is already unsafe as is and we would like to abate this danger as much as possible,” a spokesperson for Students for Socialism ASU told Fox News in a statement.

“The goal of these demands is to let the ASU administration know that we do not feel safe knowing that a mass shooter, who has expressed violent intentions about ‘protecting property’ over people, is so carelessly allowed to be admitted to the school at all.”

I don’t know what Arizona State’s official response will be (if there even is one), but I suspect that the would-be Red Guards of Tempe are going to be just as disappointed with the university as their parents are with them.


The truly ironic thing is that most of these pea-brained socialists would be happy to welcome a “revolutionary” like Assata Shakur to campus, even though she’s actually been convicted of murder. Their issue with Kyle Rittenhouse isn’t that he shot three people. It’s that he shot the wrong people. If he had aimed his rifle at police officers instead of a guy chasing him down to attack him, something tells me that these students would have cheered. But because Rittenhouse shot three “protesters,” even in self-defense, he’s now their enemy.

And the fact that it was self-defense isn’t irrelevant to them. Instead, it’s further justification (in their minds, anyway) for their temper tantrum, as evidenced by their laughable list of “demands”.

If you don’t feel like clicking on the tweet above, here’s the full list.

  1. Withdraw Kyle Rittenhouse from ASU
  2. Release a statement against white supremacy & racist murderer Kyle Rittenhouse
  3. Reaffirm support for the multicultural center on campus as a safe space from white supremacy
  4. Redirect funding from ASU PD to support the multicultural center and establishment of a “CAARE Center” on campus

I doubt that any of the Students for Socialism ASU are majoring in pre-law, or if there are any I’m almost positive that they haven’t covered libel law in their classes yet, because that tweet falsely calling Rittenhouse a “white supremacist,” a racist, and a murderer sure sounds defamatory to me.

Now, I’m no Nostradamus, but I do have a few predictions to make here. First, I predict that Arizona State will not, in fact, kick Kyle Rittenhouse out of his online classes. I predict that ASU will not release a statement against Rittenhouse. They will not redirect funding from the campus police department to the socialists’ pet projects.

I wouldn’t be suprised at all, however, if Arizona State issues some statement deploring white supremacy and noting that the campus is home to a wide variety of viewpoints and free speech. What the university should say is that the demands of the student socialists are an embarrassment to an institution of higher learning, their moral preening demonstrates they’re not emotionally or intellectually prepared for the rigors of adulthood and the real world, and an investigation into the admissions department has been launched to figure out how so many morons slipped through the screening process and were accepted as students.


Of course that’s about as likely to happen as Arizona State University officially denouncing Kyle Rittenhouse, and maybe that’s for the best. After all, what these students are really looking for here isn’t justice, but attention. Perhaps the best response from ASU would be to simply ignore the communiques from the campus Commies completely.


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