One teen arrested, another sought for mass shooting at Baltimore university

(AP Photo/The Baltimore Sun, Karl Merton Ferron)

After a recent shooting on the campus of Morgan State University in Baltimore left five people wounded, school officials announced a plan to limit access to the campus by building a wall around its exterior. The gun control crowd didn’t think much of that endeavor, with Brady affiliate Team ENOUGH mocking the idea on X/Twitter.


I’ll admit that building a wall wouldn’t be my first thought on improving campus safety, but it’s just plain silly for the anti-gunners to argue that the shooting was somehow the result of the “lax” gun laws in Maryland. MSU, like every other college and university in the state, is a “gun-free zone” where lawful concealed carry is banned, and Maryland has some of the most onerous restrictions on gun ownership in the country; from the plethora of “sensitive places” established under SB 1 to gun registration and licensing, as well as a ban on so-called assault weapons and “large capacity” magazines.

Unsurprisingly, at least to everyone but the anti-gunners, the two individuals who’ve been accused to date of committing the shooting aren’t legal gun owners, much less licensed concealed carry holders.

A 17 year-old is being charged with multiple counts of attempted murder for the Morgan State University mass shooting that injured five people during homecoming festivities last Tuesday.

The Baltimore Police Department has also issued an attempted murder warrant for 18 year-old Jovan Williams who they say is also connected to the shooting and is potentially “armed and dangerous.”

The minor, who the Baltimore Police Department has identified as a male, was arrested Thursday by authorities in Washington, D.C. “without incident.” He is being taken to Central Booking Intake Facility in Baltimore. A BPD spokesperson told WYPR that they could not confirm details as to whether the arrested 17-year-old actually fired a gun or any further details about his involvement in the incident.


If he’s been charged with attempted murder then my guess is police have at least some evidence connecting him to the incident, even if the Baltimore PD isn’t providing much information about what led them to suspect the teen of taking part in the shooting.

What “gun safety” law will Team ENOUGH suggest now that authorities say two individuals who aren’t old enough to legally purchase a handgun were responsible for the shooting? A storage law? Maryland already has one. Raising the age to lawfully carry a gun from 18 to 21 (even though there’s no evidence that 18-year-old Jovan Williams has a carry license to begin with)? Maryland’s already done it. Banning guns from college campuses? Again, that law’s already on the books.

I don’t know if a wall around Morgan State University would have prevented the shooting that took place during homecoming last week, but I’m damn sure that Maryland’s gun control laws didn’t stop it from happening. The truth is that neither the restrictive regime in Maryland nor the numerous gun control laws in Washington, D.C. (where the 17-year-old apparently lives) had any impact whatsoever on the actions of the shooters who injured five people and caused a panic on the Morgan State University campus. The only real effect that Maryland’s Second Amendment infringements had was to ensure that there would be no armed response on the part of any students, staff, or visitors to campus. Deprived of their right to self-defense in a supposedly “sensitive place” that clearly wasn’t a “gun-free zone” after all, the victims of this shooting were helpless to fight back or defend themselves. Team ENOUGH can try to use this shooting to call for more gun control laws all it wants, but all the group is doing is highlighting the failures of their anti-safety ideology.



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