
Everytown's Incomplete History of Kamala Harris's Anti-2A Activism

AP Photo/Stephanie Scarbrough

It's no surprise that the gun control lobby is getting behind Kamala Harris's presidential candidate's campaign now that Joe Biden's been ousted. Giffords has pledged to spend at least $15 million between now and November so she can continue Biden's attacks on the right to keep and bear arms, and now Everytown for Gun Safety says it will soon launch a "public awareness campaign" to highlight Harris's "life-saving gun safety record." 

Everytown's history of Harris's anti-gun activism, however, leaves out several important pieces of information that the public should be aware of. Take her support for Washington, D.C.'s handgun ban and storage mandate that required guns to be kept locked, disassembled, and unloaded with ammunition stored separately. Though Harris, serving as San Francisco's D.A., helped author an amicus brief backing the gun ban and storage requirements that was signed by more than two dozen District Attorneys in 2008, there's nary a mention of that bit of her salient history when it comes to the Second Amendment in Everytown's press release.

“Vice President Kamala Harris has helped lead the strongest gun safety administration in American history, with accomplishments that include breaking the 30-year logjam on federal gun safety legislation and taking historic executive actions to combat gun trafficking and ghost guns,” said John Feinblatt, president of Everytown for Gun Safety. “There’s a reason Vice President Harris was tapped to oversee the first-ever White House Office of Gun Violence Prevention: She’s long been a steadfast and effective champion of  common sense laws to create safer communities. The ‘guns everywhere’ agenda promoted by Trump and Vance flies in the face of both common sense and public opinion, and Everytown’s top priority will be helping Vice President Harris counter their violent vision and win in November.”

Harris's views are closer to "guns nowhere", at least when it comes to you and me. Of course, she's routinely surrounded herself with armed protection, a practice that dates back long before she received Secret Service protection. When she was the junior senator from California Harris often had off-duty LAPD officers serving as her bodyguards, even when she was nowhere near L.A.

Armed, plain-clothes LAPD officers were dispatched to California cities outside of Los Angeles at least a dozen times to provide security for U.S. Sen. Kamala Harris at public events, media appearances, and a party.

LA taxpayers paid for airline tickets, hotel stays, car rentals, and meals, according to detailed expense reports obtained by NBC News. The total cost of the trips, not including the officers' overtime, topped $28,000. 

The LAPD routinely provides security for dignitaries and officials visiting LA, but a senior retired department official said the courtesy extended to Sen. Harris for her travels to other cities was unprecedented.

Mayor Eric Garcetti's office said the Mayor was, "unaware," of this unusual arrangement until July, when it was shut down by new LAPD Chief Michel Moore.

Most of us can't depend on a friendly police chief to authorize tens of thousands of dollars in expenses to serve as our personal Praetorian Guard. Our security is our responsibility, and Harris has sought to undermine at every step in her political career. So why did Everytown choose to ignore her efforts to keep D.C.'s handgun ban in place? 

Simple: that nonsensical stance is likely to cost her votes, and groups like Everytown know it. There's a reason why big gun control orgs like Everytown and Giffords aren't regularly demanding the repeal of Heller and the reinstatement of D.C.'s handgun ban, even though that's exactly what they want. They understand that demanding a ban on handguns is unpopular, and that most Americans actually agree with the Court's decisions in Heller and Bruen... which means they disagree with Harris's stance on the right to keep and bear arms

After the Supreme Court struck down New York's "may issue" concealed carry law in 2022, Harris declared the decision "defies common sense and the Constitution of the United States"; preferring instead to give licensing authorities broad discretion to deny permits for a lack of "good cause" or a "justifiable need", even though that very system helped to enable pay-to-play scandals in her home state of California. 

As San Francisco D.A., she told the Supreme Court that it shouldn't view the Second Amendment as protecting an individual right to keep and bear arms, and argued that banning the most common firearms in the country didn't violate the Constitution. As Attorney General, Harris defended numerous California gun control laws, and as Everytown touts, "led the official certification process that verified that microstamping technology was viable—triggering the first microstamping mandate in the country."

Great job, Kamala! The only problem is that microstamping isn't viable, and more than a decade after California's mandate took effect not a single microstamped firearm has been submitted to the state for certification.

Most of Everytown's press release simply consists of the numerous gun control measures that Harris has "championed", "supported", or "led the way" in backing; bans on so-called assault weapons and "large capacity" magazines, "red flag" laws, universal background checks, and repealing the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act. It's what the anti-gun group chose to ignore that's really telling. If Feinblatt thought that reminding voters of Harris's support of D.C.'s handgun ban and New York's subjective licensing laws would be helpful to her campaign, Everytown's press release would have put those positions front and center. Now that we know what they want to hide from voters, it's up to us to inform our friends and neighbors of Harris's extreme positions and her innate hostility towards the right to keep and bear arms... at least as it applies to those who aren't protecting her with guns everywhere she goes. 


Tom Knighton 5:28 PM | March 25, 2025