Wyoming Bill Targeting "Gun-Free Zones" Becomes Law Without Governor's Signature

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A bill scrapping many of Wyoming's "sensitive places" is now law, but Wyoming Gov. Mark Gordon isn't too happy about it. Though Gordon allowed the law to take effect without his signature, avoiding a veto override fight with the legislature, he had some choice words for the overwhelming number of lawmakers who voted in favor of HB 172.


In an open letter to House Speaker Chip Nieman, Gordon said he was "tempted" to veto the bill, just as he did with a similar measure in the 2024 session. 

In my veto message, I noted my major concerns with the disregard shown to local jurisdictions and the infringement of our state Constitution's intrinsic separation of powers. Importantly, my message also included a call to action for school districts and colleges around the state to review their gun free zone policies while my administration pursued reviewing the State's. Reflecting this legislature's lackadaisical effort to openly debate and work on this legislation before sending it to my desk, it is tempting to copy and return my same veto letter. 

Compare that effort to the work done locally from the time of my veto letter, when only four school districts had firearm carry policies, to today, when 60% of school districts (according to the Wyoming Association of School Administrators), every single community college, and the University of Wyoming heeded my call to action and took up the debate. This exercise in local governance was noticed by a handful of legislators, who attempted to pass amendments to HB0172 recognizing that local process and grandfathering in those local decisions. Such lack of regard for the principle of "government closest to the people" so fundamental to our Republic is stunning. 

It's true that many of these educational institutions debated rescinding their gun-free policies over the past year, but many of them (including the University of Wyoming) chose to keep their prohibitions in place. Gordon might be okay with that, but a "government closest to the people" doesn't always act in the people's best interest or with the Constitution in mind (looking at you, Jim Crow). 


I stated in my veto letter last year that I support the repeal of gun free zones. I also respect local self-government. My actions underscore my passion for both, which is not diminished. I am left to imagine this legislative session was never about "self-defense" or a common sense effort to extend carry rights. More to the point, it was always about the legislature grabbing power. I find it interesting that this legislature's vote was not so much about the sanctity of Second Amendment rights as it was who got to control them. Gun free zones are not repealed - they are now determined exclusively by the legislature.

Well, yes. Does Gordon take issue with firearm preemption laws that establish a statewide policy rather than a patchwork quilt of local ordinances that vary from town to town? It sure sounds like it. And despite the governor's contention that HB 172 is nothing more than a legislative power grab, the bill still contains a major carveout for political subdivisions, which still have the authority to prohibit "the open carry, display or wearing of a firearm in its facilities or on its campus". 

In fact, that language may prove to demonstrate the weakness of HB 172 if, say, the University of Wyoming interprets that language as giving the Board of Regents the authority to prohibit concealed carry... which is, generally speaking, the "wearing" of a firearm". 

States chafe at having the Federal Government tell us what we can and cannot do. So I understand why local governments would harbor that same attitude for an "all-knowing" Cheyenne. To wit, the ability to debate nuances and advance wise, considered policy is not a strength the people of Wyoming have witnessed during this legislative session. 


Honestly, if Gordon truly feels that lawmakers made a massive mistake in adopting HB 172, the courageous thing for him to do would have been to veto the bill and let the legislature override his decision. That, however, would have demonstrated Gordon's political weakness, so instead he chose to let the bill become law alongside a heaping helping of snarkiness directed at the representatives and senators who voted for it. That's not a good look for the governor, but at least his pouting won't be standing in the way of Wyoming residents exercising their Second Amendment rights in more publicly accessible places once the law officially takes effect on July 1, 2025. 

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