As the leader of the free world calls for more gun control, states across the country are passing pro-gun legislation and candidates look to replace anti-gun legislators in the 2014 November election.
“I intend to keep trying, with or without Congress,” said President Barack H. Obama in regards to gun control in his January State of the Union address.
In the midst of President Obama’s call for gun control, not a single gun control measure has passed on the federal level, and states across the country are seeing more pro-gun legislation passed.
“The Missouri Legislature passed a bill to nullify itself from federal laws that infringe on the Second Amendment, Colorado ousted three state senators after passing radical gun legislation last year, Illinois now allows concealed carry and many more states have passed pro-gun legislation,” said Dudley W. Brown, Executive Vice President of the National Association for Gun Rights. “Americans are rallying around their rights and becoming more involved in the legislative process as elected officials vilify gun owners and attempt to chip away at their Second Amendment rights.
The National Association for Gun Rights, billed as the fastest-growing gun rights group in the country, continues to be the key player in defeating anti-gun legislation on the federal and state level.
NAGR spent $6.7 million on lobbying efforts in 2013, almost double the amount the establishment gun lobby spent.
Brown said they wasted no time fighting against last year’s attempt to pass the Toomey-Manchin Extended Federal Background Check bill, the Feinstein Assault Weapons and the ammo magazine restrictions bill to name a few of the high profile gun control bills the Obama administration pushed last year.
Being an election year, NAGR is shifting their focus to competitive district across the country in hopes of reclaiming those seats for solid pro-gun legislators, said Brown.
The National Association for Gun Rights Political Action Committee (NAGR-PAC) is focused on creating a true pro-gun majority in Congress and state legislatures across the country and is throwing support behind impressive candidates this year.
“We have seen an assault on our Second Amendment rights like never before,” says Brown. “Patriots across the country are pitching in to help candidates who are running to preserve the culture that has made America the greatest country on earth.”
Candidates in states and districts that gun owners need to win are being verbally and monetarily endorsed by NAGR.
Check them out here:
Dr. Chad Mathis
Alabama District 6
U.S. House of Representatives
Andrew Walter
Arizona District 9
U.S. House of Representatives
Igor Birman
California District 7
U.S. House of Representatives
Scott Renfroe
Colorado District 4
U.S. House of Representatives
Dr. Paul Broun
U.S. Senate
Bryan Smith
Idaho District 2
U.S. House of Representatives
Dr. Milton Wolf
U.S. Senate
Col. Rob Maness
U.S. Senate
Matt Rosendale
U.S. House of Representatives
Sen. Chris McDaniel
U.S. Senate
Alex Moody
West Virginia District 2
U.S. House of Representatives
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