Good News…and Bad: Colorado Legislature Reviews 5 Pro-Gun Bills

Second Amendment advocates in Colorado are, once again, on the edge of their seats as five gun bills are considered by the state legislature this week, reports The Colorado Independent.


A wave of pro-gun legislation is presented every year in hopes of overturning the strict gun laws passed in the wake of the 1999 Columbine High School shooting which left 13 dead (15 if you include the two shooters who committed suicide) and the 2012 Aurora movie theater shooting which left 12 dead and 59 injured.

This year, members of both the House and the Senate have introduced bills related to magazine restrictions, the use of deadly force and campus carry.

Here’s a look at what’s up for review.

Senate Bill 007: Repeal Ammunition Magazine Prohibition

In 2013, Colorado enacted a law prohibiting the manufacture, sale or transfer of ammunition magazines holding more than 15 rounds. High-capacity magazines purchased before the law were grandfathered in.

SB 007, introduced by Senator Vicki Marble, aims to repeal the 2013 law. While the bill passed the Senate on Tuesday, it is almost guaranteed termination in the Democrat-controlled House.

House Bill 1097: Repeal Ammunition Magazine Prohibition

HB 1097, a carbon-copy of SB 007, will face the State, Veteran and Military Affairs Committee this afternoon. Unfortunately, the bill will likely face the same fate as SB 007.


House Bill 1037: Deadly Force Against An Intruder At A Business

Currently, homeowners are legally allowed to use deadly force to stop an intruder.  

HB 1037, presented by state Representative Justin Everett, aims to extend that right to business owners, managers and employees.

More specifically, deadly force can be used when a person unlawfully enters the establishment, if the owner, manager or employee believes that person has committed a crime or intends to commit a crime, or if the owner, manager or employee believes the person intends to use physical force against them.

The bill will be considered by the State, Veteran and Military Affairs Committee, today.

According to the Colorado Independent, Everett sponsored a similar bill last year that was shot down.

Senate Bill 005: Handgun Safety Training For School Employees

SB 005, which is one of two bills related to campus carry, was advanced by the Senate this week.

If approved by the House – and Governor John Hickenlooper – the bill would establish training courses for public school employees with a concealed carry permit. Each district’s board of education would work with the course’s instructor – a county sheriff – to develop the program.


The end goal: to legalize campus carry for those who have completed the class and received written permission from the school board. Senator Chris Holbert, who sponsored the bill, also gave each board the power to limit the number of employees permitted to carry.

House Bill 1036: Concealed Carry In Public Schools

A simpler version of SB 005, HB 1036 aims to overturn a 2003 which prohibits firearms on school property. Under state Representative Patrick Neville’s bill, school employees with concealed carry permits would be able to carry a handgun to school – no training course required.

Unfortunately, none of these bills are expected to become law. The Colorado Tribune added that “several other gun measures are waiting in the wings.” But, their chance of survival is just as slim.

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