Looks like Keanu has started taking the red pill daily.
A few weeks ago, Taran Tactical posted another video of Reeves shredding the firearms course with 87eleven Action Design and Taran Tactical Innovations. Keanu, who trained hard for his roles in the popular first two installments of John Wick, now definitely knows ‘gun fu’!
But is he staying sharp for the next chapter?
In a recent interview, Keanu spoke candidly on what he’d like to see in the third John Wick installment:
“I think the opening of the film should be Wick just trying to escape from New York. Literally trying to get off the island. Maybe he asks [Lawrence Fisburne’s character] the Bowery King for help. Maybe John Leguizamo comes and helps me out. ‘John, I can’t do it, you’re excommunicado!’ Maybe the High Table shows up. And then the High Table starts firing guns. And then maybe this kind of thing starts to happen between the High Table and Continental? Maybe John is the activator of this confrontation, and perhaps there’s a war? Wouldn’t that be awesome?!”
Why, yes – that would be awesome!
No matter how Wick 3 starts or ends, we know Keanu’s mad gun skills will steal the show.
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