A new Rasmussen Report from a national telephone survey conducted this week shows most voters don’t want the federal government in control of America’s guns.
The report found that only 34% of likely voters polled believe laws regarding the ownership of guns should be the responsibility of the federal government. This is a marked drop from a high of 38% in December.
36% of those polled believe gun ownership is a state government responsibility and 18% said local governments should have the final say. A staggering 12% of voters answered “not sure”.
With 12% of voters not sure of where to throw their support, I’d say that’s a pretty good reason to continue to speak up about our right to carry, how we carry responsibly and what we aim to accomplish as law-abiding gun owners. Wouldn’t you?
The national survey of 1,000 Likely Voters was conducted on September 20-21, 2015 by Rasmussen Reports. The margin of sampling error is +/- 3 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence.
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