Celebrity Suck-Ups Sign Card Thanking Obama for Gun Control

Enough already.

Celebrities moved by Obama’s attack on the Second Amendment, signed a card to show their appreciation of his complete disregard for what the American people want.


The online card, which boasts 209 signatures to date, aims to focus the spotlight on an act of terrorism gun violence in America and praises Obama’s ability to feign emotion on camera while pushing the typical ignorant talking points:

Dear Mr. President:

Thank you. Thank you for having the courage and leadership to take Executive Action on preventing more unnecessary gun violence in this country. We are deeply thankful for the actions you took this week. Countless lives will be saved as a result.

Like you, and like most Americans, we have had ENOUGH. We have had enough of seeing unthinkable tragedies happen and nothing being done. Two masked people walk into a center for the disabled and murder 14 co-workers celebrating the holidays. A group of churchgoers are slaughtered during a prayer service even as they welcome the young man full of hate to their group. And the horrific day when 20 first graders and six educators were massacred in their classroom. In each case, the guns used were far too easily available to people intent on doing harm.

This level of depravity should rattle anyone with a conscience. We have seen how it has visibly rattled you.

Roughly 33,000 people die from gun violence every year in this country. Every day, we lose 89 more.  Since Sandy Hook, 160 schools have experienced shootings. The homicide rate in the United States is 20 times higher than 22 countries like us in wealth and population – combined.


The card features signatures from celebrities calling themselves “leaders” including Jessica Alba, Judd Apatow, Will Ferrell, Kristen Wiig, Andy Cohen, Liam Neeson, Olivia Wilde, Ron Livingston, Amanda Peet, Edward Norton, Sarah Jessica Parker, Paul Rudd, Michael Keaton, Elizabeth Banks, Jason Bateman, Julianne Moore, Mark Ruffalo, and Arianna Huffington.

I would say these leaders/celebrities should stick to making entertainment, however I fail to find any of them entertaining.

In any case, they must not have watched the town hall “discussion” on CNN last night, which failed to move America into his corner. In fact, according to the latest IBD/TIPP poll, only 42% of the public thinks stricter gun control laws will help keep guns out of the hands of criminals, while 52% think increased gun ownership increases public safety.

Dear ‘celebrities’: don’t quit your day jobs.

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