STRONG is the new SEXY: Women Who Hunt

I grew up in a hunting family. I grew up with an archery range in my basement, men of the family sharing stories from years past around the table at my grandmother’s home, trophy mounts gracing our homes, and eating and appreciating the meats harvested from the hunt. In fact my dad, only a few short weeks after retiring, signed up to work with my cousin Jim’s outfitter in Alaska and is there for the second year in a row right now.


In the later years, we girls started joining our dads, uncles and grandfathers out in the woods as well. The outdoors is tonic for my soul and hunting is in my blood. It’s something I’ve also been blessed to pass down to my children; my son Alex and my two young daughters.

Thats why women like Jana Waller, also a Wisconsin native, Julie and Kristy are such an amazing role models to me and millions of women who hunt.

Watch Jana, Julie and Kristy talk about how they started out in the outdoors and what hunting means to them:

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