Insurance Company Offers Interesting Seminar for Businesses in TX

An insurance company in Amarillo, TX is arming it’s clients with the knowledge they may need in the workplace by offering an Active Shooter Safety Seminar.


That’s right: an active shooter safety seminar for businesses offered by their insurance company as a way to bolster their risk management program.


“An active shooter is an individual actively engaged in killing or attempting to kill people in a confined and populated area. To best prepare your staff for an active shooter situation, business owners need to create an emergency action plan (EAP) and conduct training exercises. Together, the EAP and training exercises will prepare your staff to effectively respond and help minimize loss of life,” said Kimberly Dryden, a Risk Advisor with the company. “Because these types of issues are part of a good risk management program, we look at the complete risk of a community, our business partners and our families. It is our desire to share our resources and start the conversation within the Texas Panhandle to prevent, respond and mitigate safety and security issues.”

The seminar will be held Thursday, September 1 from 9:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. at the Amarillo College Downtown Campus, located at on Polk St. in Amarillo.

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