911 Recording Documents Homeowner's Fatal Shot at Home Intruder

A man in Sunrise, FL was forced to use his gun to defend himself from three home intruders Monday morning and the shots that ended one of the intruders lives was caught on tape.


The homeowner, Warren Darlow, said he saw a car pull into his driveway and saw three unfamiliar black men exit the vehicle and approach his house.

Suspecting the men were planning to break in, Darlow grabbed his a shotgun, loaded it and called 911. But as he was on with the 911 dispatcher, the suspects smashed a glass door and gained entry into the home where Darlow was .

“They’re in my house right now,” Darlow can be heard whispering to the 911 dispatcher.

Darlow later told police he was worried that if the suspects weren’t already armed, they would arm themselves with one of Darlow’s guns that he keeps in plain view on nightstands, according to the affidavits.

As one of the suspects approached him, Darlow fired his shotgun three times; the first shot missed, but the second shot hit it’s intended target who then “reached for something”, prompting Darlow to fire a final round.

“I killed one, I think,” he’s heard relaying to the dispatcher on the 911 recording before asking the cops to hurry to his home.

Officers later stopped two men who matched descriptions given by Darlow; the suspects were both positively identified by Darlow as the men allegedly involved in the home invasion, and they were taken into custody. The men were later identified by police as Jose Coleman and Curtis Jefferies.

Jefferies, 26, and Coleman, 23, were arrested for homicide-willful kill-murder while engaged in certain felony and burglary-dwelling structure or conveyance armed. According to the affidavits, Coleman admitted to committing the burglary, but Jefferies maintained he just drove Coleman and the victim to the house, and said he was not involved in the break-in. It is not clear whether either man has obtained a lawyer. In Florida, anyone committing a felony can face a murder-related charge if a death occurs during the crime.


The homeowner was not harmed in the incident nor is he facing charges in the shooting at this time.

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