Alabama Lawmaker, "We're Not Against Gun Rights, But...."

Have you noticed there sure are a lot of people pushing infringements on states’ second amendment rights lately?

Well in Birmingham, AL, gun control advocates and legislators held a press conference on Monday to announce an oncoming assault to the right to keep and bear arms.


Joining Frank Matthews, President of the Outcast Voters League, at the press conference was State Rep. John Rogers, who announced he is aiming to “fashion a bill that’s passable” to enact gun control in the state.

“We’re not against gun rights… [but] demand accountability and responsibility of gun owners,” Matthews said.

“I’m begging the law enforcement agency to come out and fight these gun laws… we need to stop the proliferation of guns,” said Matthews.

The proposed legislation has been named the Sheri Williams Mandatory Gun Changes Act after a woman who was shot and killed in 2013 in Gate City, AL by a stray bullet while holding her 10-day-old baby.

The changes the proposed act would make to current gun laws are:

  • Mandatory gun registration- owner has registration card that lists all weapons
  • No transfers unless done through a registration office
  • New purchases must be picked up at registration office
  • Mandatory gun safes; only registered owner will have combination
  • Mandatory gun safety classes
  • Open carry and concealed carry policies abolished
  • Waiting period for gun purchase extended to three months to allow all paperwork to pass
  • People under 21 prohibited from owning guns
  • Extensive mental evaluation
  • Mandatory liability insurance for firearms
  • Required reporting of stolen firearms within four hours of discovery
  • Ammo purchases made only for the caliber gun specified on registration

The list looks to me like a whole lot of restrictions on second amendment rights, aka: unconstitutional infringements on citizens’ right to keep and bear arms. Please call your state legislators and tell them you want them to vote down this bucket of hogwash.

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