Newsweek Claims "Deadlier Weapons" are Driving Gun Sales


Well, this is weapons-grade stupid.

Newsweek, in their quest to scare the crap out of their readers and push the liberal gun control narrative, claims Americans are buying “deadlier weapons” for self-defense.


People are increasingly buying more lethal guns, and arming themselves for purposes of protection rather than for hunting or recreation, new research shows.

In a study of gun manufacturing and sales from 1990 to 2015, published in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine, researchers shows [sic] that the production of larger-caliber handguns skyrocketed in this time period. The paper found that since 1994, the manufacture of .38-caliber guns rose 12-fold, with nearly 820,000 of the pistols produced in 2015. The manufacture of 9 mm guns also increased seven-fold in this 15-year stretch, while those larger than 9 mm jumped 150 percent.

Not only are more people buying more deadly firearms, but these firearms—like .38-caliber pistols—are often compact and easy to conceal.

More lethal? More deadly firearms?

Did anyone else think of The Princess Bride here?

You know what’s a deadlier weapon? Manual strangulation vs. an open-handed slap.

More lethal? Titanium baseball bats vs. wooden baseball bats.

More deadly? An SUV vs. a 10-speed bike.

Come on, Newsweek – quit trying to shame gun owners for purchasing tools to defend their lives. Maybe their message to readers should be, ‘Warning: if you attempt to bring bodily harm to someone else, you may be shot and die.’

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