Marine veteran tossed out of Six Flags for pro-gun tee-shirt

It appears the amusement park, Six Flags Great Adventure, does not support the First or Second Amendment to the Constitution.

When Woodbridge, New Jersey Marine veteran Mario Alejandro  went Aug. 10 to the nearby Jackson Six Flags Adventure park with his family, a security guard confronted him and asked him to leave the park because of his tee-shirt. Alexander was entering Six Flags for a day of fun with his family. However, that day of fun turned into a fight for his rights when he was told by a security guard he could not enter the park because his t-shirt was offensive.


The supposedly offensive shirt was a red, white, and blue t-shirt he purchased from a veteran non-profit organization that supports marines and their families. It had a gun on the front and the words: “Keep Calm and Return Fire.” The tee-shirt is sold by the Marine Reconnaissance Foundation is a limited edition item fundraiser used by the foundation to earn enough money to become a Charity Sponsor of the annual Marine Corps Marathon.

The foundation was established June 5, 2013. When the veteran informed the security guard that he was a veteran and his reason for wearing the shirt, the security guard was unwavering and said, “I don’t care, take it off.”

The security guard then went and discussed the incident with two other employees.

Upon his return, the security guard reinforced his demand.

Instead of complying with the anti-Constitutional request, the veteran, with his crying wife and children, left the park. In response to the incident Six Flags stated: “We do not allow guests to wear t-shirts with images of assault rifles in our parks. We apologize for any inconvenience we caused this guest, however we stand by our policy, which does not permit clothing with vulgar, offensive or violent language or images. Our goal is to maintain a fun, safe and family-friendly environment.” 


In that incident Six Flags displayed the worst of hypocrisies for a couple of reasons. The policy stated above is subjective. What may be deemed as offensive to one person may not be deemed offensive by another individual. What if a Christian wore a shirt that an atheist deemed offensive? Would they request the shirt be removed as well? There also is another glaring problem with what Six Flags did and said to this veteran. Although they believe a gun on a shirt is offensive, they actually have guns on their premises as a game.


According to the Six Flags website’s ‘Things to Do’ it says, “The Sheriff of Southwest Territory is looking for a new recruit to be his deputy. Seems like a simple enough task, but is it? Come see the Gunfight at the Six Flags Corral and find out.” They also have a paintball area where guests can actually shoot at each other. On their website it states, “Looking for something new and exciting…Six Flags and Bushwackers Paintball have teamed up to create 4 competition fields at the park, located near the Ninja roller coaster. Paintball is fun for all ages and great for team-building. Our paintball fields are open for reservations or walk-up play from Noon to 4pm daily.


The all-inclusive fee to play includes the paintball gun, paintballs, and protective wear. Paintball is available year round.”

While Six Flags is offended by a non-profit t-shirt with a picture of a gun, they have actual games with guns in the park. Games that encourage children to take up arms and shoot at each other with what looks like assault weapons. Perhaps Six Flags should do away with the supposed violent game and skit. After all, according to their policy they are offending themselves.


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