Review: "Crime Proof" Book A Must Read

Over the last few weeks I have been waiting in anticipation to get the final word on the first shipment of Anthony Colandro’s new book Crime Proof. Full disclosure, Anthony is a friend and colleague of mine, and I did have the honor of offering him peer reviews while he was working on the book. This review comes unsolicited, however. Colandro did not ask me to write it. Having had the chance to dive deep into the work, though, I feel it would be a disservice to not offer up my thoughts on his freshman work…and he knocks it outta the park.


Crime Proof Book: Think Like a Criminal and Beat Them At Their Own Game is not another ordinary “gun book.” In fact Colandro, a Master Firearms Instructor, only dedicated a few chapters on firearms and “gun stuff.”  What’s the book about? Crime Proof is a collection of awareness techniques. In the 300+ pages of information Anthony artfully sets the stage for people that want to be “sheep dogs in a world of wolfs”. The first few chapters are dedicated to awareness, mindset, the color-code of awareness, physiological changes that occur during an attack, and hardening techniques. I would say the main objective of Colandro’s book is to make the reader stop and say to him or herself “Hm, I never thought about that. That’s a good idea.” or thought “Wow, I’m vulnerable and I didn’t even know it.”

Crime Proof is not designed to make the reader a master of evading the criminal element, but more of a primer to get one thinking. The concepts and ideas that he brings forward come with over 30 years of experience in the firearm and security industries.

Crime Proof: Think Like a Criminal and Beat Them at Their Own Game is a book for anyone that is serious about personal safety and responsibility. This is not your dad’s book on guns and awareness, but a fresh perspective on dealing with the dangers of the 21st century. Master Firearms Instructor Anthony Colandro covers important topics such as hardening yourself and your family from the criminal element, to what happens when a violent encounter occurs. Crime Proof helps instill the mindset you need to survive!

Other important subjects covered include: Safety outside the home, travel safety, sending your kids off to college, defensive mindset, non-lethal weapons, natural disasters, mass-casualty events, firearm selection and use, and very important information on what to do when you’re dealing with the police. The book is also loaded with very important information on our digital world and delivers valuable information to keep you, your identity, and your children safe while navigating the great digital unknown.

Crime Proof is a complete cannon on giving yourself an edge and allows you to be armed with what you need in order to navigate a world of wolves as a sheep dog!


While the book can be read from cover to cover, it does not have to be. Yes, some topics are built on concepts that are discussed earlier in the book, that does not mean a reader won’t be able to grasp a good understanding of chapters that proceed the introduction of certain material.

Over the course of the book Colandro builds up from concepts to implementation. Each chapter is loaded with great tips as well as anecdotal stories to back up statistics, facts, and claims. Anthony also put in the work to give a comprehensive appendix of resources he relies on in his life and profession.

If you have a vested interest in your personal safety, and or the safety of your family, you’ll find this book insightful. My recommendation would be that after reading Crime Proof you hand off your copy to your domestic partner, or buy a copy to give to your college bound child. Be the family “crazy”, that Anthony discusses in the book, and gift copies to the people in your life that you feel will benefit the most from it. In his own words:

They’ll tell us we’re crazy and it happens to other people, these things you read in the newspaper, but it can never happen to them. They may call you paranoid.

It’s a very hard topic to broach with our loved ones without them getting defensive and calling you “crazy.” But the fact is, just a few small lessons in defensive training and awareness can go a very long way in preventing a predator from picking you or your loved ones as prey.

I’m referred to as the “family crazy,”…


Personally, I found all of the chapters to have useful information in them. Those that are not learned in the “color code of awareness” will benefit from much of the introductory information. Those that are looking for information on whether or not firearms are appropriate for them, the gun chapters may speak to you. Worried about your aging family member? Senior safety has you covered. For me, my favorite chapter was Travel Protection. Some concepts that I really connected with from the text:

[On travel preparations]

There is a colloquialism that we’re supposed to always leave a note. When I was a kid, the text message system I had was writing a note on a scrap piece of paper or envelope for my parents to know where I was going to be and for how long. That practice was embraced through the twentieth century until text messages and emails became a thing. In the movie 127 Hours, and book that it is based on, a hiker heads off without telling anyone where he was going. That hiker subsequently gets his arm pinned between two rocks, and what transpired thereafter was a story of both enduring survival, but with tragic consequences. Had Ralston, the hiker, left a note, people may have been able to render aid to him in a more conventional way and go looking for him. What does this mean here? Well, leave a note with your close friends and loved ones! Tell them your travel plans.

[On footwear when traveling]

…This advice goes for “boat shoes” and moccasins too. If you’re going for a trendy yuppie or yachtie casual-dress look, don’t let your shoes hold you back. Get quality shoes that will stay on your feet! If that means sneakers, don’t be afraid of looking out of style. You’ll thank me if you’re at a beach bar and tables of raw oysters are being flipped over with pina coladas going into orbit, while you are fleeing an active shooter scenario should one occur.


This is just a small piece of what Colandro delivers in his book. Much of what Anthony discusses throughout the text comes in a conversational tone and the topics have been brought up on his long running podcast Gun For Hire Radio. If you’re a fan of Anthony’s already, you’ll be able to hear his voice as you read the book. If you’re new to learning about Colandro’s work, do check out his show.

The book is also loaded with a ton of illustrations. Colandro wanted to make sure the book would remain relevant for years to come. One of his pet peeves he mentioned when talking to him was when you open up a great book that’s from the 70’s, it looks like it’s from the 70’s. The illustrator, Matt Dancsecs, brought a classy motif to Crime Proof. The combination of original art and digitized sketches brings a feel to the book which I think will not make it seem outdated in decades to come. There are no bell bottoms in this text!

I was pleased to hear towards the end of last week that Anthony was expecting his first shipment of 10,000 books. Crime Proof has been available for preorder for some time now, but it has officially landed at his headquarters in Woodland Park, New Jersey. I had a chance to chat with Anthony about the release of his book and this is what he had to say:

After eight years in the making, with a few false starts, I’m so happy to see Crime Proof come to fruition. Seeing the pallets of books dropped off at the range the other day made me proud to have accomplished this task, and somehow made the book “real”. If one thing the pandemic did that was positive for me was it allowed me to focus on finishing this book. I hope that my readers will find value in the 304 pages of everyday protection strategies for individuals and the entire family. Consider Crime Proof to be your criminal kryptonite.


If you’re interested in getting a copy of Crime Proof Book: Think Like a Criminal and Beat Them At Their Own Game head over to:  Right now that is the only landing page where you can order a copy, or if you’re local in New Jersey, swing on by the Woodland Park Range and pick a few up.

I don’t think this needs to be said, but I’ll put it out there anyhow…I do recommend getting a copy of Crime Proof for yourself and a few extra for your loved ones. This book delivers. The only question I have for Colandro is “What’s next?”

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Tom Knighton 4:29 PM | January 22, 2025