PA Murder Shows Felon Pipeline From New Jersey

AP Photo/Jae C. Hong

Something that has been prevalent when listening to the talking heads and public masters from high crime jurisdictions that have low regard for civil liberties is the passing of responsibility. Over and over again we can find politicians and lawmakers using “lax laws” in other states as to why their house is so messed up. Recently I reported in two different stories where Illinois politicians blamed the crime in Chicago on less strict gun laws in surrounding states. New Jersey and other draconian states constantly talk about the “iron pipeline”, an alleged path that illegal firearms travel from the south to the north. What all of these progressive leaders, lawmakers, law enforcement agencies, etc. seem to constantly be missing is the fact that it is their houses that are in disorder, and they should take responsibility for them. Putting the shoe on the other foot for a minute, let’s consider a recent murder in Pennsylvania.


It was recently reported that a New Jersey man allegedly murdered someone in Allentown Pennsylvania. The full details of the story have yet to surface, however it’s been noted that the situation was some sort of road rage incident. The alleged suspect in this crime is 25-year-old Justin Nevius, a convicted felon from Phillipsburg, NJ.

A New Jersey man has been arrested after fatally shooting another man from his car in Pennsylvania on Tuesday, authorities said.

The incident occurred on Oct. 12 at around 7:39 p.m. in Allentown, Lehigh County.

Justin Nevius, 25, of Phillipsburg is seen in video surveillance traveling in a Nissan Altima south on 7th Street around that time, police said.

The circumstances leading up to the shooting remain unclear. The footage shows the Altima pull up next to a Dodge Caravan, stop, and fire several shots from the driver’s seat into the other car, according to authorities.

The shots blew out the windows of the Caravan and left the driver and sole occupant, Kippy Reco Henry, 43, fatally injured.

Henry was taken to Lehigh Valley Hospital-Cedar Crest where he later died.

Police said a witness identified Nevius as the shooter. Phillipsburg Police arrested him on Tuesday night.

Nevius is a convicted felon, and therefore is not permitted to possess a firearm. He faces firearms charges as well as first degree criminal homicide.

This is sad and unfortunate. The situation is so unfortunate that perhaps the local leadership in Allentown should be outraged. In fact, all of Pennsylvania’s leadership in the executive and legislative branches should be taking to microphones and having press events about this. Allentown with a crime rate greater than Phillipsburg already has their hands full. They don’t need felons from the Garden State killing people in their city. Lax practices with how New Jersey deals with their criminals can be attributed to this senseless murder and New Jersey should be held accountable for their inaction. For too long New Jersey’s criminals have made too many people victims and to have their most violent criminals prey on people in other states is a clear dereliction of duty on the part of New Jersey’s executive and legislative branches.


This is not the first time a resident of New Jersey terrorized someone in another state. Take for example this recent situation in New Hampshire:

An Asbury Park, N.J., man has been arrested on second-degree murder charges in connection with killing two adult males in Bedford, N.H., according to the New Hampshire Attorney General’s Office.

Theodore Luckey, 42, was also charged with three counts of being a felon in possession of a deadly weapon.

Shortly after 7 p.m. on Saturday night, the Bedford Police Department responded to multiple 911 calls to the Country Inn and Suites at 250 South River Road. When authorities arrived, they found two deceased men, one in the lobby and one in a hotel room. These men have not been identified.

More of New Jersey’s felons creating devastation in other states. While Governor Phil Murphy and Acting Attorney General Bruck run their mouths about other states having lax gun laws, they need to turn inward and look at what their very own home grown criminals are doing to other states. Take for example this quip from Bruck’s recent directive:

… the violence is fueled by a steady supply of illegal firearms, obtained mostly out of state.

Or we can look at this press release from Governor Murphy with his proposal which places the blame on other entities and not on himself as a failed executive:

Holding the Gun Industry Accountable: In New Jersey, almost 80% of guns used in crimes are originally purchased outside of the state.  However, the gun industry has failed to take any steps to stem the flow of guns to the illegal market through gun shows, flea markets, straw purchasers, and theft.  The industry has also failed to make its products safer and has engaged in unscrupulous marketing.  A bill recently introduced in the New York Senate would hold gun manufacturers liable for the public harm they cause by amending the state’s public nuisance laws to prohibit the gun industry from endangering the safety or health of the public through its sale, manufacturing, importing or marketing of guns.  Governor Murphy proposes similar legislation.


And there is this latest kumbaya between New Jersey and other states, where another coalition of sorts has been formed. The formation of which should be called into question on a constitutional level as it appears that executives of multiple states are conspiring together to usurp and infringe upon the civil liberties and rights of their citizens.

“None of us on the screen here are blind to the fact that our individual state’s gun laws are only as good as those in the rest of our neighborhood,” Murphy said. “It’s a classic case of where there’s safety in numbers.”

Murphy noted that in New Jersey, about 85% of guns used in crimes between January and July of this year came from out of state. Of those, 25% came from Florida, Georgia, and South Carolina alone, he said.

“Guns don’t understand the concept of state lines, but those who purchase them do,” Murphy said. “Working together, we can as a region put in place the safeguards we need to combat the trade in illicit guns.”

And Murphy said this new pact expands upon the States for Gun Safety Coalition, a group he and other neighboring governors formed in 2018 to share information to help prevent people who pose a risk to their community from buying a gun across state lines.

Deflect Murph, deflect. I get it, you literally inherited this issue because you’re not from New Jersey, you’re a carpet bagging expatriate from Massachusetts, where people hung each other for being a witch. Although, you did sign up to do this job, which you’re failing at, you need to hold yourself accountable for the crime and violence, not blame other states. At least there was one quote with someone talking sense in that piece that Murph and his ilk should pay attention to:


“We all want to see fewer shootings but the best way to do that isn’t by sharing data. It’s by punishing the people who are actually doing the shooting,” Pennsylvania state Sen. Dave Argall, a Republican, told the station. “We need prosecutors to use the laws that are already on the books.”

How about that? All this data that Governor “the Bill of Rights is Above my Paygrade” Murphy is collecting and sharing may not actually be the key to success? No, it’s the key to placing blame on others.

States should be held accountable for the crime that their residents commit in other jurisdictions. It sure is interesting that all the high crime areas happen to be some of the most restrictive to freedoms and civil liberties. When will these members of the elite ruling class who deflect blame on others for their own failures connect these dots? At this juncture in life, what society needs is for all these blame shifting hacks to explain to us peasants in great detail how their policies work and the fault is on other people…but to explain it to us like we’re five years old, so we can understand it. Don’t think they’d be able to. Now is the time to act on the Felon Pipeline and take these bad acting states to court over their felons polluting other states.

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