Bigly "Buyback" In NJ Has Em' Popping Bubbly

AP Photo/Bebeto Matthews

Another compensated confiscation program, another group of progressives clicking their heels and declaring victory. Last weekend New Jersey held another one of their famous, and most likely illegal gun “buyback” events. The new Acting Attorney General, Bruck, who still has a shot at getting away from Murphy and redeeming his soul, held a press conference celebrating the largest single day buyback in the Garden state in all of history. Murphy, gearing up for reelection, is gently patting Bruck on the head for the GOAT destruction of evidence program/murder weapon turn-in event, as he is a fine and obedient lap-dog to the anti-freedom caucus.


Speaking at a press conference today at the Nation Guard Armory in Lawrenceville, Acting Attorney General Andrew J. Bruck announced that nearly three thousand firearms were turned in by residents at state-and locally-sponsored gun buyback events that were held on Saturday, October 23 at ten locations in partnership with Bergen, Camden, Cumberland, Mercer, Middlesex, Monmouth, Salem, Somerset, and Union Counties.

Acting AG Bruck made the announcement with county prosecutors and law enforcement leaders from participating locations.

The “Guns for Cash” events in Englewood, Camden, Bridgeton, Trenton, Somerset, Asbury Park, Carneys Point, Elizabeth, Plainfield, and Westfield yielded 2,806 firearms.

Acting AG Bruck noted that the weapons collected at the ten locations included 1,196 handguns, 1,206 rifles/shotguns, and 29 assault weapons.

Isn’t that just lovely. Generally speaking, in looking at the pictures of all the booty collected it appears most of what was handed over were older firearms; wood-stocked guns that were more than likely tucked away in some little old lady’s closet and then popped out for some cold hard cash. Bruck and Murphy probably went from “six to twelve” when they heard that there were 29 so-called assault weapons collected, with Bruck being jettisoned off of Murphy’s lap upon delivery of the news.

The “assault weapons” collected makes me wonder. Were these bona fide, as defined by New Jersey statute “assault weapons”, or did they just label them as such because they were black and scary. Our lawmakers tend to do things like that. Did Bruck and the rest of the law dogs that were there high-fiving each other sit and examine each firearm? Did they see if the stocks were not telescoping and that the barrels were not threaded? Or, or, more likely, they did not declare them actual “assault weapons” per New Jersey law, and just labeled them as such fort he glitz and glam of showing how damned successful they are [Bruck pats self on back].


The long list of those quoted included prosecutors from the different counties. Absent from those speaking was Union County Commissioner Chairman Alexander Mirabella. If you recall, I reached out to Mirabella, as well as Acting AG Bruck, about the legality of these buybacks prior to the event happening. Mirabella had no issue giving a statement for the press release when the event was being announced, but seemed to clam up at the notion the AG and by extension, he himself, were advocating for citizens to break New Jersey law to participate in these events that have no known effect on enhancing public safety.

Bruck, Mirabella, the Lyndhurst Police Department, all refused to respond to my queries which started on October 8th, with more than enough time for the talking heads to come up with at least a bovine excrement response to my challenging of the program.

I’ll just put this out there again…Based off my opinion of the facts of New Jersey’s law, these programs are asking people to commit felonies when transporting and possessing the firearms outside of exemption. Further, they are not following the forfeiture procedure that is in New Jersey’s law. Given they are not following that statute, an FFL should be there taking possession of the arms. Bruck, are you acquainted with this section of the law? I won’t complicate this by giving you the statute, here it is from the State Police FAQ page to make this simple on you (the statute is listed in the FAQ if you wish to look it up brah):

I have an old gun and want to get rid of it, what do I do?

You may contact your local police department for destruction. According to N.J.S. 2C:39-12 Voluntary Surrender, you may provide written notice including the proposed date and time of surrender to the superintendent or chief of police of municipality in which you reside prior to transporting same to that department. You may also contact a gun shop to inquire if they would like to purchase the firearm from you. They must provide you with a written receipt if they take the firearm.


I guess we’re to ignore these grand details when the progressives are holding one of their theatrical performances.

The terms and conditions of this program include “no questions asked”, no receipt given, and no need to inform the chief of police in advance that it’s one’s intention to surrender said firearm(s). Not too shabby. More law breaking. And the “reward” is just too good to pass up.

New Jersey residents were invited to turn in up to three firearms of any type “no questions asked,” and could earn a maximum of $750.

Under standardized pricing set for the buybacks, gun owners were paid $25 for inoperable firearms and BB/pellet guns, $125 for rifles and shotguns, $200 for handguns, and $250 for assault weapons.

Up to $750.00.  My advice to anyone thinking of participating in one of these programs is to call an FFL in the state of New Jersey and talk to them about selling your firearm on consignment.

  1. You’ll make more money than the peanuts the state is willing to offer you.
  2. You know for certain the firearm will be entered into the “system”. That is a law abiding citizen is the only one that can buy the firearm. As opposed to these programs, where we don’t know where any of the firearms end up. Where do the guns go Bruck? Is there a chain of custody? Can you guarantee none of the weapons walk?
  3. You’ll be potentially preserving history. Your firearm might have historical value and collectors would be willing to pay top dollar for them.
  4. You don’t feed the machine of the anti-freedom caucus.
  5. And most importantly, you can rest assured that all applicable possession laws are being followed when dealing with a reputable gun dealer, versus, well, the state telling you to take guns to churches.

As Murphy, Bruck, and the rest of the anti-freedom caucus members get ready to plan another bigly successful and illegal “buyback” program, just keep in mind none of them have any love for the law abiding gun owner. None of them will bail you out if you end up in some sort of a quagmire over technicalities in the law. No, the history in New Jersey is to throw the book at people that don’t have a criminal history. The next breath, Murphy has the audacity to talk about “social justice”, while advocating for more laws which will be disproportionately enforced on minorities and people of color. Those are the real facts. Bravo Bruck. Bravo.

Want to see the video of Bruck giving himself an atta-boy for his hard work asking us peasants to break the law? You can see it by clicking HERE or watch it in the embed below.

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