Our Cam Edwards Named SAF Blogger Of The Year

If you’re reading this, there’s a great chance you know the editor in chief of Bearing Arms, Cam Edwards. Last week the news came to Edwards that he has been awarded the 2021 Second Amendment Foundation Blogger of The Year Award. If you tune into Cam’s show Cam & Co, you can hear him humbly talk about receiving this honor. Us writers tend to have rather healthy egos, and from all accounts, Edwards is very sincere in his appreciation. That’s just the type of guy he is. Unassuming, humble, level-headed, kind, and sincere.


From a press release from the Second Amendment Foundation:

Cam Edwards, editor at Bearing Arms, has been named the recipient of the “Ray Carter Blogger of the Year” award, the Second Amendment Foundation said today.

Edwards, who was honored in 2020 as the Journalist of the Year award winner, lives in rural Virginia. The 47-year-old Edwards took over at Bearing Arms in July 2019 after 15 years at NRA News, where he also hosted the Cam & Company program and wrote for America’s First Freedom. His career began as a videographer at KTOK in Oklahoma City, and from there he became an investigative reporter, assistant news director and in 1997 transitioned to radio and became the station’s morning drive host.

From Oklahoma he traveled east to work for NRA News and stayed there from 2004 to mid-2019 when he moved over to Bearing Arms, which is part of Townhall Media, and owned by the Salem Media Network.

I took the opportunity to reach out to one of our colleagues, Tom Knighton. Knighton is the most senior active writer at Bearing Arms. When Knighton and I were in Florida earlier this year at a Florida Carry event, he expressed to me what a pleasure it had been working with Cam since Cam joined Bearing Arms. Being the newest kid on the block – I had just signed on officially with Bearing Arms the day before Tom and I had met up, I was excited to work with both of these behemoths of Second Amendment writing. Talking to Tom earlier today he had this to say about working with Cam:


One of the true joys of my career thus far has [been that I’ve] gotten to know Cam and work with him. He’s become a valued friend as well as my editor. It’s weird to be able to say that after having watched him and respected him for so long, but here we are, and I’m truly thankful.

I have to agree with Tom, working with Cam is a joy and highlight of my own personal journey. The first conference call I was on with Edwards and Knighton, I expected Cam to recite the Second Amendment before we started our chat. He did not to my dismay. Maybe next time.

Dave Workman one of our colleagues over at AmmoLand News and the Second Amendment Foundation offered up his sentiments on Edwards:

I’ve known Cam for years and he’s certainly deserving of this recognition. He’s a guy who endeavors to get it right.

A little bit more information about the Blogger of the Year award and what it represents:

The “Blogger of the Year” award honors the memory of Ray Carter, a lifelong gun rights activist in Washington State whose final years were spent working for SAF in its Bellevue, Washington national headquarters. Carter is remembered as “an activist’s activist” by SAF founder and Executive Vice President Alan M. Gottlieb, and one of the founders of “Blogorado,” an annual gathering of pro-gun bloggers in Colorado. Ray passed in May 2016 following a long battle with cancer, but he never gave up fighting in defense of the Second Amendment.


Founder and Executive Vice President of the Second Amendment Foundation Alan Gottlieb had this to say about Edwards receiving the award:

“Ray would have been delighted to see this award go to Cam Edwards,” Gottlieb observed. “Cam’s background and breadth of knowledge about Second Amendment issues makes him a superb writer and blogger. He knows the subject and he knows his audience, and he’s never backed away from the gun rights battle.”

Cam’s remarks concerning receiving this award are as described. Down to Earth and humble.

“I am incredibly honored to receive the Ray Carter Blogger of the Year award,” Edwards said. “As someone who started out as a broadcaster to be recognized for my blogging and writing is really an honor. It really means a lot to me. I know I am in really good company with my colleagues.

On behalf of the rest of us over at Bearing Arms, I’m going to extend our hearty congratulations and thanks to Cam Edwards! We’re certainly blessed to have such a great editor that we can turn to if we need to. Whether it’s him answering early Saturday morning texts about a pressing piece  while he’s tending the farm, or gabbing back and forth on election night, Cam is there. And not only all that, he’s got one hell of a kick @$$ beard!


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