Survey says Biden still underperforming on crime

AP Photo/Manuel Balce Ceneta

It’s difficult to be impressed by anything the Biden-Harris Administration is up to these days, but in particular, this is not a law and order bunch. Biden loves to run his mouth about all the protection to society he offered up when he supported and voted for past “crime bills”, and other measures that actually disproportionately imprisoned persons of color and minorities, but this is not a man that’s done anything to add to public safety. Ever. In his entire life. Sitting in the oval office, not much has changed, as climbing crime rates do reflect poorly on “the Big Guy”, which also mirrors a recent Rasmussen survey on his flaccid performance.


Majority Rate Biden ‘Poor’ on Handling Crime Issues

Most voters expect crime to be an important issue in the midterm elections, and President Joe Biden’s approval on the issue has declined.

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that just 30% of Likely U.S. voters rate Biden good or excellent for his handling of crime and law enforcement issues, down from 35% in April. Fifty-one percent (51%) now give Biden a poor rating on the crime issue, up from 47% in April.

What’s maybe more startling beyond the 51% that give Sleepy Joe a “poor rating” is only the 30% who think he’s doing a good job. So not only is he underperforming so badly in this area that the majority of those polled thinks he’s bad, the difference is not made up of those who think he’s doing “good”.

A majority of voters continue to see crime as an important national issue. Eighty-six percent (86%) say violent crime will be an important issue in this year’s congressional elections, including 58% who say the issue will be Very Important in November. Only 11% don’t think the issue of violent crime will be important in the midterm elections.

Biden’s approval on the crime issue has declined across the board. While a majority (61%) of Democrats rate Biden good or excellent for his handling of crime and law enforcement, that’s down from 65% in April. Only 10% of Republican voters now give Biden a good or excellent rating on crime issues, down from 14% in April. Among voters not affiliated with either major party, 17% now rate Biden’s handling of crime good or excellent, down from 23% in April.


With 86% noting that violent crime will have an effect on the upcoming midterms, this must include several persons that perceived the antics of 2020 + as being “mostly peaceful”. This continued lack of faith in the Biden-Harris Administration on crime related issues illustrates the importance of the Second Amendment, as we’re all truly our own first responders.

It’s funny, not really, that an administration so hell bent on subverting and neutering our right to keep and bear arms also delivers a society where lawful self-defense is something the masses has to deal with should a violent encounter occur due to a complicit nature or ineptitude. We’re on our own.

The same uptick in crime and lack of policing has led to a phenomenon in Washington state with a rise in concealed carry license holders. As reported by the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, they note the increase.

Amid rising violent crime, Washington has reported a stunning number of active Concealed Pistol Licenses issued in a single month; proving that extremist gun control efforts in the Evergreen State have failed miserably and people realize it, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms said today.

New data from the state Department of Licensing shows law enforcement agencies around the state issued 11,292 CPLs in June. This brings the total number of active carry licenses to a whopping 655,709, surpassing the previous record of 650,403 set on April 1, 2020, before the COVID-19 pandemic caused a suspension of CPL application processing. Still, Washington boasts the highest number of resident licenses of any western state.

Two neighboring counties—King and Pierce—account for more than half of all the new licenses. King added 2,504 CPLs and Pierce added 3,605. Over the past three months, Washington has added 18,355 active CPLs.

“Violent crime in Pierce and King counties, combined with a reduction in police manpower has obviously resulted in a predictable public reaction,” said CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb. “People will protect themselves and their families, and they’re taking that responsibility seriously. These sensible law-abiding citizens realize they are their own first responders.


As the midterms approach, the lack of law and order nationwide is going to cost the progressives bigly. The Rasmussen report noted that GOP voters are more inclined, at 72%, to think the topic of crime is going to have an effect. That’s not saying this is overly partisan when more than the majority of those that identify as Democrats do too, at 52%. What about Biden’s “If you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black” base? Only 44% of Black voters think he’s doing a good job in this department.

These statistics are not likely to change for the better for Sleepy Joe either. The summer months seem to bring out the crazy in people, and the anti-freedom caucus best have a good October surprise up their sleeve, or they’re likely to leave Biden even more neutered than he already is, with progressives changing their tune on whether or not we should have a filibuster. They’ll probably be in favor of one should there be a changing of the guard of the majority party in respective chambers. Just a hunch.

This is more data and further facts highlighting the importance of the Second Amendment and further illustrating why it’s crucial that we all take responsibility for our own self-defense.

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