Bay State Lawmakers Pull a Last Minute Bait-and-Switch With Their 2nd Amendment-Crushing Bill

(AP Photo/Yakima Herald-Republic, TJ Mullinax, File)

Over the past several months, we’ve all been heavily covering the atrocious scene in Massachusetts. First there was the dog-and-pony show of a so-called “gun law listening tour.” The tour was allegedly to hear from the people about potential law changes to the firearms laws in the Bay State. Gun owners took Chairman Representative Michael Day, the leader of this charade, at his word, and participated in good faith. 


Day is someone who got very chummy with the likes of Gabby Giffords and the commie mommies before railroading the law-abiding with the bill he proposed. That did not go so well and it was shelved for the summer. The new bill was not any better, just different than the first. The word on the street is that lawmakers are taking huge strides to subvert a big portion of the legislative process and ram-rod the bill into law – no matter what.

My friends at the Gun Owners Action League have been doing yeoman’s work on the freedom-crushing carry-killer bill. Massachusetts, the most violent – and seemingly corrupt – state in New England, already has some of the strictest laws in the nation regulating away our rights.

I got slipped a bit of information that I want to share about the jackals in Boston who think they’re being slick. They either want the nightmare to be over and done with – so they can carry on with their pathetic lowlife lives – or they’re happy to stick it to the law-abiding. In any event, Chairman Day and Speaker Mariano are doing some supremely shady stuff with their anti-gun wish list. 

From GOAL:

Alert – House Gun Bill has New Number Again
Speaker Mariano plays another shell game with the rules!

The impending House gun bill has a new number: H.4135. In a twisted end-run around the normal processes, the House leadership pulled a fast one again.

In order to avoid the normal bill process, the Speaker had House Ways & Means add the current gun bill language to an existing budget bill, H.4090. Then House Ways & Means, with no public vote record, conjured and released what amounts to a “ghost bill”, H.4135, in order to get it to the House floor for a vote on Wednesday, October 18, 2023.

Keeping with their fast-paced, sleight of hand, Houdini-like procedures, we understand that amendments to H.4135 are due by 5:00 pm today, Tuesday, October 17, 2023. That means that no one will have time to ensure that the language was not changed internally before being released. It also means that people will have no time to review amendments prior to the bill hitting the floor.

This bill simply cannot be fixed … or exorcized.

Amendments filed can be viewed here:

Debate on the bill is scheduled for some time tomorrow afternoon (Wednesday, October 18, 2023). Debate can be viewed live:


I honestly expect this kind of dishonesty from my native state of New Jersey. Then again, Massachusetts has a long history of their leaders hanging those they thought were witches – you know, thought differently than all the rest. Day and Mariano sure do seem like the types who would look at home overseeing the ducking stool or maybe even giving John Proctor the old final heave-ho off the bench.

NBC Boston also reported on this just a couple hours prior to the publication of this piece:

A third distinct version of the House’s controversial gun law reform bill is advancing out of the House Ways and Means Committee on Tuesday morning as the House continues to circumvent the usual committee process to get the priority of Speaker Ron Mariano to the floor for a vote Wednesday afternoon.

Just after 10 a.m. Tuesday, the Ways and Means Committee told its members they had until 10:45 a.m. to vote to either advance or spike part of Gov. Maura Healey’s fiscal year 2023 supplemental budget bill that has been redrafted to include only the latest draft of the bill the House has been working on for moths to address ghost guns, update the state’s so-called red flag law


There’s a whole plethora of coverage on this topic overall and none of it matters right now, because these cretins made sure that there hasn’t been any time for people to act on the new bill. Call your representatives today and tomorrow and make sure you tell them to not participate in this kangaroo cloture!

Massachusetts’ lovers of freedom, gun owners stand with you! Clearly the legislature does not care, and short of a miracle, this’ll be on its way to be signed into law. I’m not one to count the votes before they’re all cast, however, the country is ready to go to the mattresses for you. Lawsuit printer ready…? Brrrr!

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Tom Knighton 5:29 PM | March 07, 2025