DHS Employee Tasked With Buying Weapons Has a Website Dedicated to Murdering White People

Ayo Kimathi is an employee at the Department of Homeland Security. His job description? Purchasing ammunition and weapons. He’s also the owner of waronthehorizon.com, a website dedicated to advocating the murder of white people. He’s also a homophobe.


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The website was discovered by the Southern Poverty Law Center and has been listed under the Hate Watch page.

By day, Ayo Kimathi works for the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) as a small business specialist in a unit that buys such items as handcuffs, ammunition and guns.

Off-duty, he calls himself “the Irritated Genie.” He’s a gay-bashing, revenge-seeking black nationalist who advocates on his website – War on the Horizon – the mass murder of whites and the “ethnic cleansing” of “black-skinned Uncle Tom race traitors.”

“Warfare is eminent,” the website declares, “and in order for Black people to survive the 21st century, we are going to have to kill a lot of whites – more than our Christian hearts can possibly count.”

A former supervisor of Kimathi’s at the DHS told Hatewatch, “Everybody in the office is afraid of him.”

“This guy is filled with hate,” the supervisor continued. “People are afraid he will come in with a gun someday and go postal. I am astounded, he’s employed by the federal government, let alone Homeland Security.”

Kimathi was given permission to launch a website he told supervisors would be used to sell concert tickets.


Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin has responded to the site and Kimathi’s DHS employment as “unflippingbelievable.

So, the Federal Government, er, We The People, are employing someone at the Department of Homeland Security whose side job is running a hate website advocating ethnic cleansing and other despicable acts?! This official is promoting a race war. His fellow employees say they’re “astounded” he is employed by the taxpayers. His side “job” running the “War On the Horizon” website was reportedly approved by supervisors. Really, Fed? Really?

Friends, let your government know we deserve better; we demand better. We’re paying the tab.


Hey, remember when DHS issued an entire report about “right-wing extremists?” Maybe they should issue a report about the black supremacist working in their ammunition department.

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