Biden is Wrong: Shotguns Are Not Better Than AR-15s

Joe Biden may possibly be the worst spokesperson for gun control ever. During a “fireside” chat in January, Biden gave some advice about post-earthquake protection: use a double barrel shotgun—it’s much better than those “assault weapons.” Of course, the comment was largely brushed off as Joe being Joe, but on Monday he made the same argument.


“If you want to protect yourself get a double barrel shotgun, you don’t need an AR-15,” Biden said, referring to a type of semi-assault weapon. “You don’t need an AR-15, it’s harder to aim, it’s harder to use…buy a shotgun. Buy a shotgun!”

But is Biden even right? Jesse Bonner, owner of Jesse’s Gun Shop in Corsicana, Texas says no:

“That would not be true,” he said. “I’ve taught enough ladies to shoot all different types of firearms and I can tell you that the AR-15 is going to be better suited for a lady. It would be better for all-around home defense and it’s one of the most accurate guns out there.”

“The AR-15 is now a mainstream weapon because of its quality design and accuracy,” he added, saying that a shotgun, especially a 12-gauge, can be difficult to use for many people. Smaller women could have even more trouble firing a 12-gauge shotgun due to the recoil.

Bonner explained that even younger kids are able to use an AR-15 semi-automatic rifle with ease.

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