Medal of Honor Roll Call: Robert R. Ingram

It has been my honor to present these recipients from the Vietnam War this month. May we as Americans always remember that they went when asked, fought as instructed, and many are still among us today; living heroes, one and all. We wrap up the month with a Corpsman who not only was willing to give his last ounce for the Marines under his charge, but then – incredibly – was spared to see them live. Though Ingram survived his ‘crowded hour,’ his Medal wasn’t presented until July 10, 1998, when then-President Bill Clinton bestowed it during a ceremony in the White House, alongside twenty-four of the men Ingram served with. The delay of more than thirty years was attributed to ‘lost paperwork’.


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Robert R. Ingram
Rank and organization: Hospital Corpsman Third Class
Place and date: Quang Ngai Province, Republic of Vietnam, 28 March 1966
Entered service at: Clearwater, FL
Born: 20 January, 1945 Clearwater, FL


Robert R. Ingram


For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty while serving as Corpsman with Company C, First Battalion, Seventh Marines against elements of a North Vietnam Aggressor (NVA) battalion in Quang Ngai Province Republic of Vietnam on 28 March 1966.  Petty Officer Ingram accompanied the point platoon as it aggressively dispatched an outpost of an NVA battalion.  The momentum of the attack rolled off a ridge line down a tree covered slope to a small paddy and a village beyond. Suddenly, the village tree line exploded with an intense hail of automatic rifle fire from approximately 100 North Vietnamese regulars.  In mere moments, the platoon ranks were decimated. Oblivious to the danger, Petty Officer Ingram crawled across the bullet spattered terrain to reach a downed Marine. As he administered aid, a bullet went through the palm of his hand.  Calls for “CORPSMAN” echoed across the ridge. Bleeding, he edged across the fire swept landscape, collecting ammunition from the dead and administering aid to the wounded.   Receiving two more wounds before realizing the third wound was life-threatening, he looked for a way off the race of the ridge, but again he heard the call for corpsman and again, he resolutely answered. Though severely wounded three times, he rendered aid to those incapable until he finally reached the right flank of the platoon. While dressing the head wound of another corpsman, he sustained his fourth bullet wound. From sixteen hundred hours until just prior to sunset, Petty Officer Ingram pushed, pulled, cajoled, and doctored his Marines. Enduring the pain from his many wounds and disregarding the probability of his demise, Petty Officer Ingram’s intrepid actions saved many lives that day. By his indomitable fighting spirit, daring initiative, and unfaltering dedications to duty, Petty Officer Ingram reflected great credit upon himself and upheld the highest traditions of the United States Naval Service.




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