The Trace Takes Credit For Atlanta PD Policy Change

The Trace has one thing going for it, in the grand scheme of things. They don’t even pretend to be an unbiased media source. Created to be blatantly anti-gun, we can at least look at their “reporting” as biased and evaluate the information ourselves, knowing that they’re typically interested in advancing an agenda. Since we know precisely what that agenda is, we know how to filter that information.


Unlike the mainstream media that tends to pretend it’s unbiased while still pushing an agenda.

Anyway, The Trace is taking credit for a change in Atlanta Police Department policy. Considering the issue, it was a rare occasion when I wasn’t in total disagreement with them.

After being contacted by The Trace’s reporters, the Atlanta Police Department clamped down on officers whose behavior contributed to the loss or theft of a department-issued firearm. Under a new policy adopted this month, officers who violate the department’s rules for storing guns in unattended cars can be hit with a $500 fine and a three-day suspension.

“When a police officer fails to secure his or her firearm, it bothers me greatly,” said Police Chief Erika Shields in a written statement. “We should know better, and I expect more of our personnel.”

The change came after The Trace made inquiries regarding the Atlanta Police Department’s gun storage policy and its treatment of officers found to have broken those rules. Atlanta was one of more than 100 law enforcement agencies that reporters surveyed for an investigation into missing police guns. We found that those 100 agencies had collectively recorded the loss or theft of 1,781 firearms between 2008 and 2017. Many of the weapons had been left unattended and unsecured in vehicles.

The Trace notes that the Atlanta PD’s policy was one of the clearest policies they examined, but that the department wasn’t enforcing it.

And folks, that’s a problem.

Unsecured firearms left in a vehicle is a theft waiting to happen. When that happens, that puts guns in criminal hands from the get-go. I think we can all agree that armed criminals are a bad thing.


It’s especially egregious when you consider that those are issued weapons purchased at taxpayer expense. That means they have to be replaced at taxpayer expense and that a criminal is now armed at taxpayer expense. I’m not completely sure which bothers me more, to be honest. I mean, criminals are going to get armed regardless, but the idea that my tax money paid for it?

Anyway, The Trace can claim this victory, and so be it. The fact is that they are focused on something that can be universally described as a problem and exists well outside of the political climate. It’s not hard to gain a win when there’s absolutely no reason for anyone to oppose you.

Frankly, I hope it’s the last win they get. That’s not because I want to see armed criminals, mind you. It’s because so much of what they want to win goes against every fiber of my being.

But I’ll give them a thumbs up for this one, at least.

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