Suburban GOP Group Continues Planned Gun Raffle Fundraiser

The Republican Party is, ostensibly, the pro-gun political party. Democrats gladly welcome every gun grabber with a checkbook, the Republicans go the opposite direction. This is simply the natural order of things.


In fact, that’s the reason why it’s not surprising to learn that a Lake County Republicans were planning a gun raffle to raise money well before the Las Vegas tragedy.

What’s surprising to anti-gun Democrats, however, is that they’re going to have it anyway.

Lake County Republicans are moving ahead with a fundraiser where at least a dozen firearms will be given out to donors Friday night, less than two weeks after the deadliest mass shooting in modern U.S. history in Las Vegas.

The “2nd Amendment Dinner and Gun Raffle” in northwest suburban Kildeer features an AR-15-style semi-automatic rifle for those who pay $2,000 to sponsor the event, raffles for a 12-gauge shotgun and a 9 mm handgun, and other gun-related packages.

Mark Shaw, the Lake County GOP chairman, said the first-of-its-kind event for local Republicans would proceed as scheduled because it had long been in the planning stages. The Oct. 1 shooting of concertgoers in Las Vegas by a sniper at the Mandalay Bay hotel killed 58 people and wounded hundreds of others.

“Unfortunately, obviously, the tragic events in Las Vegas happened and the fact that we had a dinner scheduled for the 13th of October, that’s been something that’s been in the works for over a year,” Shaw told the Chicago Tribune on Tuesday.

Honestly, why is this even news?

Democrats waited all of five seconds before they politicized the crap out of the Las Vegas shooting, well before we knew anything about what was taking place. It took no time at all before Hillary Clinton opened up her pie hole to pontificate about how “silencers” would have made it so much worse. There was no delay at all.


Yet, for some reason, it’s as if a county Republican group has to justify their decision to continue a planned event that had nothing to do with what happened in Las Vegas one way or another.

In his film “Bowling for Columbine,” anti-gun crusader Michael Moore makes a big deal about the NRA hosting a rally in a town where there had been a firearm related tragedy. The idea is to make it appear that gun rights activists were cold and unfeeling, that they were trying to politicize a tragedy for no good reason.

The thing is, time and again, we see the anti-gun zealots doing just that. That there was even a story written, or that a story needed to be written, is an affront to decency all on its own. It indicates that somehow, pro-gun groups need to justify themselves and their actions before the court of public opinion while politicians and academics can spout off about things immediately without criticism from the media.

Of course, this is the same media that tried to paint Dana Loesch as calling for violence against them because she swore they’d get fact-checked, so why does this surprise me? It doesn’t. Not at all.

It just disgusts me.

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