GOA Sends Open Letter to GOP to “Do Something” on Pro-Gun Bills

Earlier today, Gun Owners of America issued a press release that calls on Republican congressional leadership to step up and push forward pro-gun legislation currently in the pipeline.


GOA Sends Open Letter to GOP to “Do Something” on Pro-Gun Bills

Springfield, VA – Gun Owners of America (GOA) addressed an open letter to Senate Leader Mitch McConnell and Speaker Paul Ryan — urging them to act on pro-gun legislation.

Tim Macy, chairman of Gun Owners of America, wrote, “A little over a month ago, it appeared that Congress would pass legislation long desired by gun owners.  Sadly, it now appears that the gun agenda is on the back burner.”

Furthermore, it appears some Republicans are supporting failed gun control measures.

“To make matters worse, some Republicans are even falling over themselves, looking for ways to appease The Washington Post, the New York Times, CNN, and MSNBC with a new package of gun controls, centering on ways to buck up the anti-gun Brady law,” Macy continued.  “But here’s the irony: Shooters in virtually every major mass shooting in recent years passed the Brady check. And the one that didn’t, in as [Adam Lanza] in Newtown, killed his mother and stole her guns.”

Macy then highlighted everyday citizens, like the hero Stephen Willeford, who use their guns in self-defense to stop mass shooters in their tracks.  And Macy encouraged Republican leaders to loosen existing gun control restrictions.

“If Republicans want to energize their base, please consider enacting real public safety improvements that involve protecting liberty, not taking it away,” Macy concluded. “So, as you scramble around looking for ‘something to do’ about recent criminal acts, act on legislation that will restore American’s right to keep and bear arms such as concealed carry reciprocity, the Veterans Protection Act, suppressor deregulation, and the Buck Restoration of Rights Amendment.”

The McConnell-Ryan letter was also cc’d to President Donald Trump.

Tim Macy, or another GOA spokesmen, is available for interviews.Gun Owners of America is a nonprofit lobbying organization dedicated to protecting the right to keep and bear arms without compromise. GOA represents over 1.5 million members and activists. For more information, visit GOA’s Newsroom.


At this point, Republicans are playing defense as emboldened Democrats push more and more gun control legislation forward despite maintaining a minority.

The GOP is the ostensibly pro-gun party, yet they have stalled on laws that gun rights activists have long sought, including national reciprocity and the Hearing Protection Act that was folded into the SHARE Act. Lawmakers were primed to permit the lawful sale of suppressors at gun stores without the rigamarole currently involved in obtaining them.

However, the moment Las Vegas happened, congressional Republicans backed off completely.

It’s understandable, to a point. The optics on passing pro-gun legislation in the wake of such a tragedy is less than ideal. However, it’s worth noting that the other side doesn’t care. It’s perfectly acceptable to pass gun control legislation at such times, but not pro-gun laws that have no bearing on the tragedy in question.

The reality is that GOA is right. Republicans in Congress definitely need to step up, grow a set, and pass the laws they were elected to pass by their constituents.  The SHARE Act and national reciprocity need to become the law of the land, and that needs to happen now.


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Tom Knighton 2:29 PM | February 04, 2025