One State Makes Bid For Most Anti-Gun State In Just One Legislative Session

It’s safe to say that New York is not a pro-gun state. Or, perhaps, it’s better to argue that it’s SAFE to say it. After all, one of the most anti-gun pieces of legislation in recent years was the NY SAFE Act.


However, New York isn’t done. Not by a long shot. Instead, they are offering up nine anti-gun bills for the current legislative session.

Courtesy of the folks at Guns America:

Here’s a list of what was put forth.  Note, the descriptons are not mine but copy from the Dems.

  • Prohibit Bump Stocks and Mods That Increase Rate of Fire: This bill, S.6902, introduced by Senator Brad Hoylman, will make it a Class D Felony to possess a bump stock or similar device. Bump stocks were utilized in the Las Vegas shooting, which dramatically increased the rate of fire and contributed to the high number of casualites.
  • Establish Extreme Risk Protection Orders: This bill, S.7133, introduced by Senator Brian Kavanagh, will allow courts to issue an order that would seize or prohibit the sale of guns to individuals who are likely to act in ways that would result in serious harm to themselves or others.
  • Prohibit Possession of a Firearm by Anyone Who Commits a Hate Crime: This bill, S.7072, introduced by Senator Brian Kavanagh, will add hate crimes to the list of offenses that disqualify offenders from possessing a firearm.
  • Effective Background Checks: This bill, S.5808-A, introduced by Senate Democratic Deputy Leader Michael Gianaris, will establish a ten day waiting period, extending the current three day period, to conduct background checks for individuals attempting to purchase a firearm. This legislation will also require licensed firearm dealers to report the criminal purchase of a weapon and will require background checks for any employees authorized to possess or transfer firearms.
  • Prohibit Undetectable Firearms: This bill, S.5829, introduced by Senator Kevin Parker, will prohibit firearms, rifles, or shotguns that cannot be detected by x-ray, magnetometer or metal detector and make their sale, transport, possession or manufacture a Class D Felony.
  • Create a Firearm Violence Research Institute: This bill, S.4363, introduced by Senator Roxanne Persaud, will create an institute to study the causes and conditions that lead to gun violence and develop methods of prevention.
  • Allow Victims Of Negligent Manufacturers To Seek Compensation: This bill, S.5922, introduced by Senator Jamaal Bailey, will overturn the legal holding that prevents victims and their families from seeking compensation from gun manufacturers found to negligently market firearms to irresponsible buyers.
  • Enact the “Children’s Weapon Accident Prevention Act”: This bill, S.3355, introduced by Senator Liz Krueger, will make it a crime to fail to securely store a weapon to prevent injury and death due to use or handling unintended by the person authorized to possess the weapon.
  • Close the Out Of State Resident Mental Health Record Loophole: This bill, S.7605, introduced by Senator Brian Kavanagh, will close a loophole in state law and allow the state to check the mental health records of an out of state resident when that person applies for a state gun permit.

This is what anti-gunners consider smart, common-sense gun control legislation.

Seriously, one bill outlaws guns that don’t exist. One wants to bar people convicted of a Thought Crime from being able to buy a firearm in an era when taking issue with something like illegal immigration is described as a hate crime.

Yeah, this isn’t a grab-bag of anti-gun talking points by any stretch of the imagination, now is it?

It’s like New York is trying to make a bid to be the most anti-gun state in the nation all in one legislative session.

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