Two things that don’t generally go together are “gun control” and “Texas.”
Let’s be fair, when you think about pro-gun states, a lot of people think of Texas. While part of that is based more on perception than reality–there are a number of states ranked higher than Texas when it comes to pro-gun regulations–it’s close enough to the truth that the image holds.
But even the most pro-gun state has anti-gun activists, and a group of them at a Catholic university in San Antonio held a “gun violence vigil” which was nothing more than an anti-gun protest pretending to be something else.
On the eve of the sixth anniversary of the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School, members of the University of the Incarnate Word community and local activists gathered at the Chapel of the Incarnate Word to call for an end to gun violence.
The Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word “were founded because people were suffering,” Sister Martha Ann Kirk said. “And people are suffering from gun violence now.”
The event was held in conjunction with vigils across the country in partnership with the Newtown Foundation, and it marks six years since 26 people were killed at the Connecticut elementary school.
“We have stood with candles lit, flags at half-mast, over and over again,” said Becca DeFelice, leader of San Antonio’s chapter of Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America. “We can break the cycle of gun violence, thoughts and prayers and acceptance. We don’t have to accept this.”
She’s right. We don’t. There are sensible, concrete measures we can take such as hardening our schools and arming teachers.
I’m sure that’s what she meant, right?
Gun control is “so polarizing,” she said, but the “two sides can see eye to eye” in conversations about safe gun and ammunition storage and safe gun use, which can reduce violence.
Firearm safety “is something we can all work towards,” Liao said.
Oh. Guess not.
Big shock, right.
Look, I’ve long said that you should secure your firearms when not needed. The problem is that in these people’s minds unless you’re actively firing a weapon, it counts as “not needed.” They want you to be forced to lock up your guns at all times, which slows response times in the case a firearm is needed.
Basically, they’d prefer you to be killed by a home invader than for you to be explaining to the nice police officers how this person who looks nothing like your family is lying dead in your kitchen with a few extra holes in him. That’s probably because they can then use your corpse as a soapbox to advance the very agenda that got you killed.
While I’m more than willing to work with anyone to advance firearm safety, I’m not about to trust people who have turned the words “gun safety” into a euphemism for taking away our Second Amendment rights.
And the fact that these ghouls continue to use the bodies of dead kids as a podium, as a veneer to hide the ugliness of what they’re trying to accomplish, absolutely disgusts me. They call this a vigil, but it’s a protest. It’s not about honoring victims or remembering them.
Ultimately, it’s about creating the conditions where there can be more of them.
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